

(E.Mey.) Bullock



Citation Micro:
Kew Bull. 7: 417 (1952)

WFO Identifier:

Common Names

  • Stenostelma corniculatum
  • Horned Stenostelma
  • Horned Waxflower

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Stenostelma corniculatum (also called Corniculate Stenostelma, among many other common names) is a succulent plant with a single stem and a rosette of large, fleshy, triangular leaves. It is native to South Africa and grows in dry, rocky habitats.

Uses & Benefits

Stenostelma corniculatum is an ornamental plant that is used to decorate gardens and homes. It is also known to be a good source of food for birds and other wildlife.

Flower, Seeds and Seedlings

The flower of Stenostelma corniculatum is a bright yellow star-shaped flower with five petals. The seed is a small, black, kidney-shaped seed. The seedling is a small, green, cylindrical stem with two small, oval-shaped leaves.

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Cultivation and Propagation

Stenostelma corniculatum is a succulent plant that can be propagated by stem cuttings. It should be planted in well-draining soil and kept in a sunny location. The soil should be kept slightly moist but not wet. It can also be propagated by seed, but this is a slower process.

Where to Find Stenostelma corniculatum

Stenostelma corniculatum is found in tropical and subtropical regions of Africa, India, and Sri Lanka.

Species in the Apocynaceae family

Acokanthera laevigata, Acokanthera oblongifolia, Acokanthera oppositifolia, Acokanthera rotundata, Acokanthera schimperi, Adenium boehmianum, Adenium multiflorum, Adenium obesum, Adenium oleifolium, Adenium swazicum, Adenium dhofarense, Aganosma breviloba, Aganosma cymosa, Aganosma gracilis, Aganosma lacei, Aganosma petelotii, Aganosma schlechteriana, Aganosma siamensis, Aganosma wallichii, Aganosma heynei, Alafia alba, Alafia barteri, Alafia benthamii, Alafia berrieri, Alafia calophylla, Alafia caudata, Alafia erythrophthalma, Alafia falcata, Alafia fuscata, Alafia insularis, Alafia intermedia, Alafia landolphioides, Alafia lucida, Alafia microstylis, Alafia multiflora, Alafia nigrescens, Alafia orientalis, Alafia parciflora, Alafia pauciflora, Alafia perrieri, Alafia schumannii, Alafia thouarsii, Alafia vallium, Alafia verschuereni, Alafia whytei, Alafia zambesiaca, Allamanda calcicola, Allamanda angustifolia, Allamanda blanchetii, Allamanda cathartica,


The Plant List v1.1 record tro-2606352: Based on the initial data import
Ernst Heinrich Friedrich Meyer (1791-1858): Based on occurrence of standard abbreviation 'E.Mey.' in the authors string.
Arthur Allman Bullock (1906-1980): Based on occurrence of standard abbreviation 'Bullock' in the authors string.