




Citation Micro:
Nov. Holl. Pl. 1: 16 (1805)

WFO Identifier:

Common Names

  • Lepidosperma globosum
  • Globosum Lepidosperma
  • Lepidosperma Globosum

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Lepidosperma globosum (also called 'Globose Sword-sedge', among many other common names) is a species of plant in the family Cyperaceae. It is a small herb, growing up to 10 cm tall. It is native to the temperate regions of Australia, and is found in open grasslands and disturbed areas.

Uses & Benefits

Lepidosperma globosum is used as an ornamental plant in gardens, as it has attractive foliage and a pleasing scent. It is also used medicinally to treat a variety of ailments, including headaches, fever, and colds.

Flower, Seeds and Seedlings

Lepidosperma globosum has small, yellow flowers with four petals. The seeds are small and black, and the seedlings are thin and long.

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Cultivation and Propagation

Lepidosperma globosum can be propagated by seed or cuttings. Seeds should be sown in spring in a cold frame. When they are large enough to handle, prick the seedlings out into individual pots and grow them on in the cold frame for at least their first winter. Plant out into their permanent positions in late spring or early summer, after the last expected frosts. Cuttings of half-ripe wood, 5 - 8cm with a heel, July/August in a frame. Plant out in the following spring.

Where to Find Lepidosperma globosum

Lepidosperma globosum can be found in Australia.

Lepidosperma globosum FAQ

What is the scientific name of Lepidosperma globosum?

Lepidosperma globosum

What is the common name of Lepidosperma globosum?


What is the natural habitat of Lepidosperma globosum?

Open forests, woodlands and heathland

Species in the Lepidosperma genus

Lepidosperma angustatum, Lepidosperma angustifolium, Lepidosperma australe, Lepidosperma avium, Lepidosperma benthamianum, Lepidosperma canescens, Lepidosperma carphoides, Lepidosperma chinense, Lepidosperma clipeicola, Lepidosperma concavum, Lepidosperma congestum, Lepidosperma costale, Lepidosperma curtisiae, Lepidosperma drummondii, Lepidosperma effusum, Lepidosperma elatius, Lepidosperma ensiforme, Lepidosperma evansianum, Lepidosperma filiforme, Lepidosperma fimbriatum, Lepidosperma flexuosum, Lepidosperma forsythii, Lepidosperma gladiatum, Lepidosperma globosum, Lepidosperma gracile, Lepidosperma gunnii, Lepidosperma humile, Lepidosperma inops, Lepidosperma laeve, Lepidosperma latens, Lepidosperma laterale, Lepidosperma leptophyllum, Lepidosperma leptostachyum, Lepidosperma limicola, Lepidosperma lineare, Lepidosperma longitudinale, Lepidosperma muelleri, Lepidosperma neesii, Lepidosperma obtusum, Lepidosperma oldfieldii, Lepidosperma pauperum, Lepidosperma perplanum, Lepidosperma persecans, Lepidosperma perteres, Lepidosperma pruinosum, Lepidosperma pubisquameum, Lepidosperma quadrangulatum, Lepidosperma resinosum, Lepidosperma rostratum, Lepidosperma rupestre,

Species in the Cyperaceae family

Abildgaardia mexicana, Abildgaardia ovata, Abildgaardia schoenoides, Abildgaardia triflora, Abildgaardia oxystachya, Abildgaardia odontocarpa, Abildgaardia macrantha, Abildgaardia fusiformis, Abildgaardia pachyptera, Actinoschoenus repens, Actinoschoenus yunnanensis, Actinoschoenus aphyllus, Actinoscirpus grossus, Afrotrilepis jaegeri, Afrotrilepis pilosa, Amphiscirpus nevadensis, Arthrostylis aphylla, Arthrostylis planiculmis, Becquerelia clarkei, Becquerelia cymosa, Becquerelia discolor, Becquerelia merkeliana, Becquerelia muricata, Becquerelia tuberculata, Bisboeckelera irrigua, Bisboeckelera longifolia, Bisboeckelera microcephala, Bisboeckelera vinacea, Blysmus compressus, Blysmus mongolicola, Blysmus rufus, Blysmus sinocompressus, Bolboschoenoplectus mariqueter, Bolboschoenus caldwellii, Bolboschoenus capensis, Bolboschoenus fluviatilis, Bolboschoenus glaucus, Bolboschoenus grandispicus, Bolboschoenus laticarpus, Bolboschoenus maritimus, Bolboschoenus medianus, Bolboschoenus nobilis, Bolboschoenus novae-angliae, Bolboschoenus planiculmis, Bolboschoenus robustus, Bolboschoenus schmidii, Bolboschoenus stagnicola, Bolboschoenus yagara, Bolboschoenus koshevnikovii, Bolboschoenus biconcavus,


Jacques Labillardière (1755-1834): Based on occurrence of standard abbreviation 'Labill.' in the authors string.
POWO record for Govaerts R (ed.). 2023. WCVP: World Checklist of Vascular Plants [Version 11]. Facilitated by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. [WWW document] URL [accessed 20 April 2023].