

(L.) R.Br.



Citation Micro:
Asclepiadeae : 63 (1810)

WFO Identifier:

Common Names

  • Wrightia antidysenterica
  • Indian-laurel
  • Antidysenteric Indian-laurel

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  • Nerium antidysentericum L. [unknown]
  • Nerium divaricatum Lour. [illegitimate]
  • Nerium zeylanicum L. [unknown]
  • Walidda antidysenterica (L.) Pichon [unknown]
  • Wrightia zeylanica (L.) R.Br. [unknown]


Wrightia antidysenterica (also called Wrightia, among many other common names) is a small deciduous tree native to South Asia. It grows in moist, well-drained soils in full sun or partial shade. It has a small, round, green body with a single root and a single flower, and is often overlooked due to its small size.

Uses & Benefits

Wrightia antidysenterica is used as an ornamental plant, as it has attractive foliage and bark. It is also used in traditional medicine, as its leaves and bark have medicinal properties. It is also used as a source of food for wildlife.

Flower, Seeds and Seedlings

The flowers of Wrightia antidysenterica are white and fragrant, with five petals. The seeds are small, brown and smooth. The seedlings are small and delicate.

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Cultivation and Propagation

Wrightia antidysenterica is a tropical shrub that can be propagated by seed or cuttings. It can be cultivated in well-drained soil in a sunny location with a temperature range of 10-25°C and a pH of 6.5-7.5. It should be fertilized with a slow-release fertilizer every two months.

Where to Find Wrightia antidysenterica

Wrightia antidysenterica is found in tropical and subtropical regions of South-East Asia, including Vietnam, Thailand, and India.

Wrightia antidysenterica FAQ

What is the scientific name of Wrightia antidysenterica?

Wrightia antidysenterica

What is the growth habit of Wrightia antidysenterica?

It is a small, evergreen shrub with a spreading habit.

What is the native range of Wrightia antidysenterica?

It is native to India.

Species in the Apocynaceae family

Acokanthera laevigata, Acokanthera oblongifolia, Acokanthera oppositifolia, Acokanthera rotundata, Acokanthera schimperi, Adenium boehmianum, Adenium multiflorum, Adenium obesum, Adenium oleifolium, Adenium swazicum, Adenium dhofarense, Aganosma breviloba, Aganosma cymosa, Aganosma gracilis, Aganosma lacei, Aganosma petelotii, Aganosma schlechteriana, Aganosma siamensis, Aganosma wallichii, Aganosma heynei, Alafia alba, Alafia barteri, Alafia benthamii, Alafia berrieri, Alafia calophylla, Alafia caudata, Alafia erythrophthalma, Alafia falcata, Alafia fuscata, Alafia insularis, Alafia intermedia, Alafia landolphioides, Alafia lucida, Alafia microstylis, Alafia multiflora, Alafia nigrescens, Alafia orientalis, Alafia parciflora, Alafia pauciflora, Alafia perrieri, Alafia schumannii, Alafia thouarsii, Alafia vallium, Alafia verschuereni, Alafia whytei, Alafia zambesiaca, Allamanda calcicola, Allamanda angustifolia, Allamanda blanchetii, Allamanda cathartica,


The Plant List v1.1 record kew-214887: Based on the initial data import
Robert Brown (1773-1858): Based on occurrence of standard abbreviation 'R.Br.' in the authors string.