




Citation Micro:
CactusWorld 31: 214 (2013)

WFO Identifier:

Common Names

  • Echidnopsis Kohaitoensis
  • Kohaito Echidnopsis
  • Kohaito Stapelia

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Echidnopsis kohaitoensis (also called the 'Kohaito echidnopsis', among many other common names) is a succulent native to the island of Kohaito in the Ryukyu Islands, Japan. It has a rosette of fleshy, gray-green leaves and small, white flowers. It grows in rocky areas at elevations of up to 500 meters.

Uses & Benefits

Echidnopsis kohaitoensis is used as an ornamental plant in gardens and parks. It is also used in traditional medicine for treating various ailments.

Flower, Seeds and Seedlings

Echidnopsis kohaitoensis has small, white flowers with yellow anthers. The seeds are small, dark brown and oval-shaped. The seedlings are small and have long, narrow leaves.

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Cultivation and Propagation

Echidnopsis kohaitoensis is a terrestrial orchid that grows up to 30 cm tall. It is native to Mexico and is hardy to USDA Zone 9. It prefers partial shade and well-drained soils. Propagation is by seed or division. Seeds should be sown in spring or early summer in a well-drained soil mix. Division should be done in early spring or late summer. Keep the soil moist but not soggy.

Where to Find Echidnopsis kohaitoensis

Echidnopsis kohaitoensis is native to Japan and can be found in the Kohai Islands.

Echidnopsis kohaitoensis FAQ

What is the scientific name of Echidnopsis kohaitoensis?

Echidnopsis kohaitoensis

What kind of plant is Echidnopsis kohaitoensis?

It is a species of orchid

Where is Echidnopsis kohaitoensis found?

It is found in Mexico

Species in the Echidnopsis genus

Echidnopsis uraiqatiana, Echidnopsis angustiloba, Echidnopsis archeri, Echidnopsis ballyi, Echidnopsis bavazzanoi, Echidnopsis bentii, Echidnopsis bihenduhensis, Echidnopsis cereiformis, Echidnopsis chrysantha, Echidnopsis ciliata, Echidnopsis dammanniana, Echidnopsis ericiflora, Echidnopsis globosa, Echidnopsis inconspicua, Echidnopsis insularis, Echidnopsis leachii, Echidnopsis malum, Echidnopsis mijerteina, Echidnopsis milleri, Echidnopsis montana, Echidnopsis multangula, Echidnopsis planiflora, Echidnopsis radians, Echidnopsis repens, Echidnopsis rubrolutea, Echidnopsis scutellata, Echidnopsis seibanica, Echidnopsis sharpei, Echidnopsis socotrana, Echidnopsis squamulata, Echidnopsis urceolata, Echidnopsis virchowii, Echidnopsis watsonii, Echidnopsis yemenensis, Echidnopsis bihendulensis, Echidnopsis kohaitoensis, Echidnopsis thulinii,

Species in the Apocynaceae family

Acokanthera laevigata, Acokanthera oblongifolia, Acokanthera oppositifolia, Acokanthera rotundata, Acokanthera schimperi, Adenium boehmianum, Adenium multiflorum, Adenium obesum, Adenium oleifolium, Adenium swazicum, Adenium dhofarense, Aganosma breviloba, Aganosma cymosa, Aganosma gracilis, Aganosma lacei, Aganosma petelotii, Aganosma schlechteriana, Aganosma siamensis, Aganosma wallichii, Aganosma heynei, Alafia alba, Alafia barteri, Alafia benthamii, Alafia berrieri, Alafia calophylla, Alafia caudata, Alafia erythrophthalma, Alafia falcata, Alafia fuscata, Alafia insularis, Alafia intermedia, Alafia landolphioides, Alafia lucida, Alafia microstylis, Alafia multiflora, Alafia nigrescens, Alafia orientalis, Alafia parciflora, Alafia pauciflora, Alafia perrieri, Alafia schumannii, Alafia thouarsii, Alafia vallium, Alafia verschuereni, Alafia whytei, Alafia zambesiaca, Allamanda calcicola, Allamanda angustifolia, Allamanda blanchetii, Allamanda cathartica,


Darrel C. H. Plowes (1925-2016): Based on occurrence of standard abbreviation 'Plowes' in the authors string.