• Kenya Myrrh
  • Kenya Myrrh
  • Kenya Myrrh
  • Kenya Myrrh

Buy Kenya Myrrh Gum Directly From Exporters & Suppliers - Best of 2024 Market Prices

Varieties Herabol, Bissabol
Packing 50 mls to 500mls, resins 25kg
Size Liquid, 3cm-5cm resins
Season April, October
Storage cool, dry conditions
Transport Conditions Cool, dry containers. Relative humidity of 89-90%
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Myrr is one of the oldest known medicines. It is a natural reddish gum or resin as it is popularly known. It is extracted from a small thorny tree,Commiphora Myrrha. It has a high medicinal value and is also ingested when mixed with wine. Myrrh is also used in foods and beverages as a flavouring component. It is used spiritually as anointing oil and an ingredient in toothpaste, perfumes, and cosmetics. During ancient times, myrrh was used in embalming dead bodies.

Myrr has been traded in Northern Kenya for over 5,000 years ago. This was done locally as no foreign investors had discovered it yet. The residents would harvest it from the tree which grew wildly and sell it for medicinal purposes or even as flavour.

There are two major varieties of Kenya Myrrh gum:

  1. Herabol myrrh
  2. Bissabol myrrh

It is impossible to differentiate between Herabol myrrh and Bisabol myrrh from the look so, about 10 grains of powdered gum resin is shaken for like 10 minutes. The liquid is filtered, and the filtrate evaporated in a water bath on a porcelain capsule. The capsule is then inverted in another container with nitric acid so that the residue may come into contact with the fumes. This results in a light violet colouration which confirms that is Herabol Myrrh. Bisbol myrrh does not give this colouration

Myrrh shrub grows up to about 12 feet high. It requires sunny and dry conditions for optimal production. The Myrrh tree performs best in deserts. For instance, in Kenya, it grows in the Northern region, which is arid. Myrrh grows best in sandy soils that are not waterlogged. Myrrh gum is waxy and coagulates quickly when exposed to the environment. The gum is clear when oozing freshly from the tree but turns to a dark opaque yellow when dry. Mostly harvesting of myrrh is done during the cold or rainy season, April and November as the myrrh tears are dry and opaque.

Harvesting of myrrh is done by wounding the trees and waiting for the gum to ooze out.it is then picked Kenyan farmers sell unprocessed myrrh to investors who later process it to extract oil and fragrances to fortify their products.

Processed myrrh oil is packaged in small bottles from 50 Ml to 500 Ml. This is then sold to retailers in the country and the rest exported to Ethiopia and Sudan, which are the immediate neighbouring countries to Northern Kenya.

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