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We provide high-quality Tanzania rice to the local and export markets. We source the raw fresh Tanzania rice from family growers in Tanzania.

Rice in Tanzania represents the second staple regarding cultivated land in the country. Only maize has more acreage than this cereal. The nation has about 681,000 hectares under the crop. This is roughly 18 percent of all land devoted to farming. Though the yields per hectare at 1 to 1.5 tons are low, the commodity still enjoys wide appeal across the population. The Swahili name for the crop is mchele, and it is the source of some of the most cosmopolitan menus especially at the coast including wali and pilau. The country has a significant regional market worth $500 million in Rwanda and Kenya but has not fully exploited this open market.

The origin of rice was from China which domesticated the crop as early as 10000 years ago. It may have come to Tanzania courtesy of missionaries.

Most farmers of Tanzania rice grow the traditional varieties, but since 2013 they have begun to adopt new cultivars. One of these is IR05N 221, a highly productive hybrid that has double the yields of the dwarf types. The same applies to IR03A, which has also garnered acclaim. There is also the SRI variety that reached the country in 2009.

Rice provides around 5 percent of the daily requirements of protein for bodybuilding needs. The starch input is about 9 percent of the daily requirements. The magnesium margin is 3 percent, just enough for the maintenance of the bone structure. The regular value of vitamin B-6 is 5 percent, just sufficient for maintaining metabolism.

We source our Tanzania rice from Moshi, Tabora, Igurusi-Mbarali, Bagamoyo, Mbeya, and parts of Morogolo. All these places are conducive for paddy fields due to the presence of rivers. In particular are our Lakitatu Usa River family growers who produce the crop from irrigation year-round. All of these sources cultivate an average of 1 to 2 acres of land which they can manage via farmyard manure. We also opt for sources that use chemical sprays sparingly.

We harvest Tanzania rice when it has been in the paddy fields for 3-and-a-half months. This is true of the early maturing type. The late maturing cultivar requires about five months before harvesting.  We hand-pick the rice using sickles which pry out the plants from the ground. We cut the chaff with knives. This is succeeded by the delivery of the raw chaff to a shaded area for threshing the grains off the pods.

We thresh Tanzania rice after cleaning and preparation routines. We clean the harvest by sorting healthy chaffs and pods from immature ones with no grain inside. We then cart the sorted chaff to the threshing machine which separates the seeds from the pods. We collect the naked grains and array them in layers over a raised rack for sun-drying. We then pile up the grains into parcels or bales that will provide easy transportation to the packing area.

We do our packing of Tanzania rice in designate automated warehouses to reduce human contamination of the cereal. We use plastic as well as woven bags with a capacity of 50 kilos. We wrap each package by its grade. To enhance quality, we line the interior of each package with film, which keeps the produce hydrated. We finalize the process by attaching the labels of the name/cultivar, the country of origin and the date of packing.

We store Tanzania rice at an ambient temperature of less than 25 degrees Celsius. We adjust the seeds’ moisture content to lower than 14 percent. We also keep the place relatively humid at levels lower than 60 percent saturation. These combined temperature and saturation controls help to keep starch stable as it degrades fast under dry conditions.

We use special transportation trucks with modified environment interiors to transfer the cargo to the port of Dar-es-Salaam. There are also long-distance transfer routes to Kigali and Nairobi, both of which are perennial regional markets. If you have urgent cargo, you can request for dispatch by air on the same day of packing.

In short, if you would like a popular cereal from one of the biggest producers in Africa, then Tanzania rice from us is a definite choice. We source the raw crop from family growers with Global Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) certifications. This provides a guarantee of quality. We also keep the quantity at the maximum so that it meets your specific needs. On the question of price, always lower the rates to meet your budget halfway. Make an order today!


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