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We provide high-quality Tanzania maize to the local and export markets. We source the raw fresh Tanzania maize from family growers in the country.

Tanzania maize (Zea mays) or mahindi in Swahili is the most common cereal in this East African country. It is a proud staple especially in the milled form that makes the famous ugali or sima meal. It occupies about 45 percent of the cultivated acreage in Tanzania. Approximately 3.5 million households in the country grow the staple for chief subsistence while 85 percent of the population consumes it in different forms daily. The state is the biggest grower of the crop in the region and often supplies neighbors like Kenya and Uganda during times of deficit in the respective nations.  The historical basis of maize began in Mexico about 10000 years ago. It not only features as one of the earliest crops to be domesticated but also appears in recent cultures such as Mayan as a religious symbol.

Eating maize is a leeway into health especially starch. Its mineral range includes zinc, which promotes wound healing at a proportion of 5 percent per serving. The magnesium margin, essential for bone maintenance is 10 percent per serving. The manganese levels of the daily value stand at 8 percent. The range of vitamins includes folate which comes at 11 percent of the daily requirements. The vitamin C margin is 8 percent per serving, essential for providing substantial protection against disease. The thiamine margin is also relatively high at 13 percent of the daily value.

We derive Tanzania maize from all parts of the country particularly Mbeya to the southwest, Morogolo to the east and Kilimanjaro to the north. Our sources grow their cereal on patches of land that are less than two acres in extent. They use farmyard manure and do not apply pesticides on their farms to reduce harmful effects.

We do our Tanzania maize harvesting by manual means. We begin at the 6th month after planting the grain, for the late maturing cultivars. Our well-trained team only picks fully-developed pollen-filled ears. These are just between the milky and firmness stage which ensures proper drying. The maize usually has a moisture level of about 18 percent at this juncture. Our workers relieve the ears from the sheaths carefully while retaining the stalks.  They place the cobs in baskets for delivery to the carting vehicles on their way to the shelling area.

We shell the Tanzania maize ears immediately after delivery to the packing station. After this, we lay them in the mesh for drying in grain form. Sometimes when sun-drying does not produce fast results, we blow hot water onto them to fasten the drying process. We heat the grains at temperatures just above 30 degrees Celsius. This leaves the moisture content at less than 12 percent. The artificial drying means faster and great for urgent orders: with it, we place the seeds in single layers in bins before blowing in hot air.

Our packages of Tanzania maize come in 50-kilo capacities. We use commercial sacks made of natural and synthetic materials including sisal and plastic as well as nylon. We include film linings in all our synthetic bags as the sisal ones have natural aeration. We feature produce labels in the final packages inclusive of the packing date, the net weight and the country of origin.

Our storage parameters for Tanzania maize are similar to those in traditional granaries at room temperature. We maintain 25 degrees Celsius while the moisture level stays at less than 14 percent.  This careful combination keeps out the probability of aflatoxin or mold formation.

We also transport Tanzania maize at the same temperature range to the airport in Arusha or Dar-es-Salaam via our special trucks. We also use shipping means from the port in Dar-es-Salaam. This means that the consignment will reach your destination in a day or two after dispatch.

Therefore, if you would like to avail arguably the most important cereal in sub-Saharan Africa, then Tanzania maize will be a definite choice. We avail it from family growers from Global Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) background. This implies little residual levels due to the minimal utility of chemical sprays. Besides, we keep your tonnage as our priority by liaising with sources to meet the quantity in surplus. We also deliver the cargo to you in very seemly, pocket-friendly prices. This is why you should make an order today!

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