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We provide high-quality Rwanda sorghum to the local and export markets. We source the raw fresh Rwanda sorghum from family growers in the country.

Rwanda sorghum or ishaka (amasaka) in Kinyarwanda is among the most important cereals in the country for porridge and beer making. The Rwandese make a beer of sorghum that they call ikigage in the local language. As the grain is prone to striga, a form of weed, sorghum growers in Eastern and Southern provinces have successfully trialed new strains that are resistant to the weed. The main districts that cultivate the dry-climate crop include Ruhengeri, Kibuye, Gisenyi, Umutara, Gitarama, Butare, Cyanguga and Kibungo, among others.  The production margins are also high at 2.7 tons per hectare.

Sorghum originated in the Nile Valley of Egypt about 10000 years ago. It spread southward into Ethiopia and from here dispersed to the rest of Sub-Saharan Africa. It is now a flour-making staple, especially for child food.

We source Rwanda sorghum from all districts of the country. Our family growers mainly grow it for local subsistence and for the honor of making traditional beer. They cultivate their 2-acre pieces of land organically by capitalizing on farmyard compost. They use chemical sprays sparingly to reduce contamination.

We harvest Rwanda sorghum by a combination of tools once the heads have changed color to a hazy purple. We employ sickles to hold the heads aloft while the bar headers cut the stalks with little seeds. We retain a section of the stalk for holding away from the grains. We also retain some foliage for protective needs before threshing.

We dry Rwanda sorghum under the sun. We lay the stalks on upraised mats where they can get full exposure to the heat. We aim to bring the moisture level to an average of 17 percent. In the hot season, we usually manage to bring the moisture levels from a high of 25 percent to a low of 14 percent.

We sort the chaff containing grains of Rwanda sorghum from the stalks. We do away with the leaves, broken chaff and any clinging insects. This leaves only the necessary parts for threshing. We do the threshing by manually rolling a pin over the produce caught up between upper and lower tarpaulins. We finish by the removal of the chaff. We then do winnowing by air-blowing the grains. The crystal clean grains are then ready for packing.

We pack Rwanda sorghum in 50-kilo bags. We use jute, plastic and sisal materials for the bags, all of which offer proper aeration and rehydration.  We also have flexible packages with weight units that depend upon your volumetric needs. We finalize the packing process by sticking self-adhesive produce labels inclusive of the name/cultivar, the source, the net weight and the country of origin.

We store Rwanda sorghum at negative twelve degrees Celsius (-12) below the ambient temperature. In short, if the temperature is 25 degrees, we store the grains at 13 degrees Celsius.  This enables the seeds to assimilate enough moisture evenly and therefore reduce rot.

We transport Rwanda sorghum at the same temperatures to the airport in Kigali on the same day of packing. Give or take, you can expect the packages to touch down at your location in the space of 24 to 48 hours.

In short, if you are after one of the staple crops of the land of a thousand hills, then you can count on us to offer you fresh Rwanda sorghum. We source the grains from family growers who have acquired Global Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) certifications. We maintain quality handling by the use of automated packing and storage facilitation. Besides, our quantity is always as per your request: we strive to meet your capacity by directing our farmers to produce a surplus. Our prices, on the other hand, are irreproachably low. Make an order today!


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