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We provide high quality Ethiopia horse beans to the local and export market. We source the raw fresh Ethiopia horse beans from family growers from Ethiopia.

Ethiopia horse bean (Viba faba var. equine) is one of the most important bean species in the horn of Africa nation. They go under the local name baqella in Amharic. They feature in a number of meals including the famous processed flour by the name of Shiro. Their stews are synonymous with local cuisine as they feature in a couple of wots, Ethiopian for stew. The fava bean grows into grayish-green pods that cover up to eight seeds that are usually green and pea-like and when ripe brown color. The pods when dry turn a brownish-black hue.

The original home of the bean is North African countries, where the legume has survived for centuries as it is immune to heat. The first recorded history, however, was 8000 years ago in the eastern parts of the Mediterranean, principally Greece. In cultural and religious aspects of life, the Ethiopia horse bean or broad bean also features explicitly in consumption. For instance, during most celebrations, people eat boiled beans of this species. Certain Christian sects in the country also commemorate the Passion of the Christ by eating a mixture of the beans with peas and wheat flour, among other grains. Sometimes fully matured ripe horse beans undergo raw consumption and many people give them to visitors passing by their homes in season.

We source our Ethiopia horse beans from different parts of the country. One of these is Bakelo in the Amhara region about a hundred kilometers to the north of the capital, Addis Ababa. The family growers in the village of Bakelo plant the plants in rows in the hillsides that are rich in the clay soil important for the growth of the fava bean. Local farmers can expect around 1800 kilograms of the produce from every hectare. In the best season, this can go to four times to reach 4800 kilograms.

The horse beans are rich in protein at a high proportion of 26.12 grams per serving. Calcium comes at 10 percent of the daily value while iron represents 52 percent of the daily requirements. The beans also provide high starch of 58 grams with dietary fiber standing at 25 grams. The highest vitamin content is folate at 106 percent of the daily value, followed by Thiamin at 48 percent, while vitamin K, for proper blood clotting is 9 percent. Vitamin C is 2 percent of the daily value.

The harvesting process of Ethiopia horse beans is intense and requires care. The shelling process is the most demanding task as workers have to remove the many seeds from inside the broad pods containing them. We ensure that each two kilos or one pound of the pods provide about 1/3 of a full cup of the beans. We then keep them in portion bags that preserve them until they are ready for export.

We pack Ethiopia horse beans in 20-pound cartons that can hold fresh content that has undergone hygienic handling, with workers wearing gloves. We also have larger packages of between 12 to 14 kilograms produce boxes that you can avail for bigger tonnage. We store the produce fresh in cool dry warehouse environment at 0° Celsius. Our bean content contains a moisture level of between 12 to 14 percent, which is the recommended for this kind of legume.

We are your biggest provider of one of the most popular bean varieties in the country. We source our fava beans from the heart of central and northern Ethiopia from Global Good Agricultural Practices (GAP)-certified farmers. Our prices are quite competitive and we also provide consistent quantity parameters for your needs that can reach multiple tons in seasonal supply. If you would like to learn more about how to avail fresh horse beans from Ethiopia, get in touch today!

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