Paula & J.L.H.Alves
Citation Micro:
Rodriguésia 30(46): 166 (1978)
WFO Identifier:
Common Names
- Vochysia mariziana
- Mariziana Vochysia
- Vochysia
Vochysia mariziana (also called Mariz’s Vochysia, among many other common names) is a medium-sized tree native to Central and South America. It has large, oval-shaped leaves and white flowers that bloom in the spring. It is found in moist, tropical forests.
Uses & Benefits
Vochysia mariziana is used as an ornamental plant in gardens and parks. It is also used to make herbal teas and as a traditional medicine to treat fever, headache, and rheumatism.
Flower, Seeds and Seedlings
The flower of Vochysia mariziana is a small yellow flower with white anthers. The seed is a small, black, oval seed. The seedlings are small, green, and have two leaves.
Cultivation and Propagation
Vochysia mariziana is an evergreen, woody, perennial shrub. It can be propagated by cuttings in spring or summer. It can also be propagated by seed, but this is not recommended as it takes a long time for the seed to germinate. The plant prefers well-drained soil and full sun to partial shade. It is drought tolerant and can tolerate temperatures down to -5°C (23°F).
Where to Find Vochysia mariziana
Vochysia mariziana is native to the tropical forests of Central and South America.
Vochysia mariziana FAQ
What is the scientific name of Vochysia mariziana?
Vochysia mariziana
What is the common name of Vochysia mariziana?
Mariziana Vochysia
Where is Vochysia mariziana native to?
Species in the Vochysia genus
Vochysia pacifica,
Vochysia saccata,
Vochysia penae,
Vochysia pauciflora,
Vochysia calophylla,
Vochysia tucanorum,
Vochysia tomentosa,
Vochysia splendens,
Vochysia rotundifolia,
Vochysia vismiifolia,
Vochysia jonkeri,
Vochysia megalantha,
Vochysia martiana,
Vochysia mariziana,
Vochysia mapuerae,
Vochysia magna,
Vochysia lopezpalacioi,
Vochysia liscanoi,
Vochysia lehmannii,
Vochysia ledouxii,
Vochysia laxiflora,
Vochysia venezuelana,
Vochysia tillettii,
Vochysia surinamensis,
Vochysia meridensis,
Vochysia jefensis,
Vochysia spathiphylla,
Vochysia pachyantha,
Vochysia ortegae,
Vochysia steyermarkiana,
Vochysia julianensis,
Vochysia catingae,
Vochysia cassiquiarensis,
Vochysia columbiensis,
Vochysia aurantiaca,
Vochysia assua,
Vochysia artantha,
Vochysia apopetala,
Vochysia angustifolia,
Vochysia allenii,
Vochysia pygmaea,
Vochysia bautistae,
Vochysia hannekesaskiae,
Vochysia gigantea,
Vochysia gentryi,
Vochysia garcia-barrigae,
Vochysia expansa,
Vochysia elegans,
Vochysia duquei,
Vochysia rubiginosa,
Species in the Vochysiaceae family
Callisthene dryadum,
Callisthene erythroclada,
Callisthene fasciculata,
Callisthene inundata,
Callisthene major,
Callisthene microphylla,
Callisthene minor,
Callisthene mollissima,
Erisma arietinum,
Erisma bicolor,
Erisma blancoa,
Erisma bracteosum,
Erisma calcaratum,
Erisma costatum,
Erisma djalma-batistae,
Erisma floribundum,
Erisma fuscum,
Erisma gracile,
Erisma japura,
Erisma lanceolatum,
Erisma laurifolium,
Erisma maliforme,
Erisma megalophyllum,
Erisma micranthum,
Erisma nitidum,
Erisma niveum,
Erisma silvae,
Erisma splendens,
Erisma tessmannii,
Erisma uncinatum,
Erisma panamense,
Erismadelphus exsul,
Erismadelphus sessilis,
Korupodendron songweanum,
Qualea marioniae,
Qualea johannabakkerae,
Qualea acuminata,
Qualea amapaensis,
Qualea amoena,
Qualea brasiliana,
Qualea brevipedicellata,
Qualea calantha,
Qualea calophylla,
Qualea clavata,
Qualea coerulea,
Qualea cordata,
Qualea cryptantha,
Qualea cyanea,
Qualea cymulosa,
Qualea decorticans,