

(Seem.) W.D.Stevens & A.Pool



Citation Micro:
Novon 9: 424 (1999)

WFO Identifier:

Common Names

  • Ampelocissus javalensis
  • Javalenese Creeper
  • Climbing Vine

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  • Ampelocissus costaricensis Lundell [unknown]
  • Cissus javalensis Planch. [unknown]
  • Vitis javalensis Seem. [unknown]


Ampelocissus javalensis (also called Java Creeper, among many other common names) is a species of flowering plant in the grape family. It is native to tropical and subtropical regions of India, China, and Southeast Asia. It is an evergreen climber with tendrils and can grow up to 15 m in height. It prefers moist, well-drained soils and full sun to partial shade.

Uses & Benefits

Ampelocissus javalensis is a climbing plant that is used as an ornamental plant in gardens and parks. It has attractive foliage and can be used to cover walls and fences. It is also used as a ground cover and can be used to create a natural screen or hedge.

Flower, Seeds and Seedlings

The flowers of Ampelocissus javalensis are small, white and star-shaped. The seeds are small, dark brown and oval shaped. The seedlings are small and dark green.

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Cultivation and Propagation

Ampelocissus javalensis is a fast-growing climber that can be propagated from seed or cuttings. It prefers full sun and well-drained soil. It is drought tolerant and can be grown in containers. Prune regularly to keep it in shape.

Where to Find Ampelocissus javalensis

Ampelocissus javalensis can be found in tropical forests in Southeast Asia.

Ampelocissus javalensis FAQ

What is the scientific name of Ampelocissus javalensis?

Ampelocissus javalensis

What is the common name of Ampelocissus javalensis?

Javalensis Creeper

What type of plant is Ampelocissus javalensis?

Evergreen climber

Species in the Ampelocissus genus

Ampelocissus birii, Ampelocissus abyssinica, Ampelocissus acapulcensis, Ampelocissus acetosa, Ampelocissus aculeata, Ampelocissus africana, Ampelocissus amentaceus, Ampelocissus angolensis, Ampelocissus arachnoidea, Ampelocissus araneosa, Ampelocissus artemisiifolia, Ampelocissus ascendiflora, Ampelocissus banaensis, Ampelocissus barbata, Ampelocissus bombycina, Ampelocissus borneensis, Ampelocissus botryostachys, Ampelocissus butoensis, Ampelocissus capillaris, Ampelocissus cardiospermoides, Ampelocissus celebica, Ampelocissus chaffanjonii, Ampelocissus changensis, Ampelocissus cinnamomea, Ampelocissus complanata, Ampelocissus concinna, Ampelocissus debilis, Ampelocissus dekindtiana, Ampelocissus dichothrix, Ampelocissus dissecta, Ampelocissus divaricata, Ampelocissus dolichobotrys, Ampelocissus edulis, Ampelocissus elegans, Ampelocissus elephantina, Ampelocissus erdvendbergianus, Ampelocissus filipes, Ampelocissus floccosus, Ampelocissus frutescens, Ampelocissus gardineri, Ampelocissus gracilipes, Ampelocissus gracilis, Ampelocissus harmandii, Ampelocissus helferi, Ampelocissus hoabinhensis, Ampelocissus humulifolia, Ampelocissus imperialis, Ampelocissus indica, Ampelocissus iomalla, Ampelocissus javalensis,

Species in the Vitaceae family

Acareosperma spireanum, Ampelocissus birii, Ampelocissus abyssinica, Ampelocissus acapulcensis, Ampelocissus acetosa, Ampelocissus aculeata, Ampelocissus africana, Ampelocissus amentaceus, Ampelocissus angolensis, Ampelocissus arachnoidea, Ampelocissus araneosa, Ampelocissus artemisiifolia, Ampelocissus ascendiflora, Ampelocissus banaensis, Ampelocissus barbata, Ampelocissus bombycina, Ampelocissus borneensis, Ampelocissus botryostachys, Ampelocissus butoensis, Ampelocissus capillaris, Ampelocissus cardiospermoides, Ampelocissus celebica, Ampelocissus chaffanjonii, Ampelocissus changensis, Ampelocissus cinnamomea, Ampelocissus complanata, Ampelocissus concinna, Ampelocissus debilis, Ampelocissus dekindtiana, Ampelocissus dichothrix, Ampelocissus dissecta, Ampelocissus divaricata, Ampelocissus dolichobotrys, Ampelocissus edulis, Ampelocissus elegans, Ampelocissus elephantina, Ampelocissus erdvendbergianus, Ampelocissus filipes, Ampelocissus floccosus, Ampelocissus frutescens, Ampelocissus gardineri, Ampelocissus gracilipes, Ampelocissus gracilis, Ampelocissus harmandii, Ampelocissus helferi, Ampelocissus hoabinhensis, Ampelocissus humulifolia, Ampelocissus imperialis, Ampelocissus indica, Ampelocissus iomalla,


The Plant List v1.1 record kew-2634375: Based on the initial data import
Berthold Carl Seemann (1825-1871): Based on occurrence of standard abbreviation 'Seem.' in the authors string.
Amy Pool (b.1950): Based on occurrence of standard abbreviation 'A.Pool' in the authors string.
Warren Douglas Stevens (b.1944): Based on occurrence of standard abbreviation 'W.D.Stevens' in the authors string.