

(Bailey) Jackes



Citation Micro:
Austrobaileya 2: 84 (1984)

WFO Identifier:

Common Names

  • Gardiner's Cissus
  • Gardiner's Ivy
  • Gardiner's Vine

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  • Vitis gardineri F.M.Bailey [unknown]


Ampelocissus gardineri (also called 'Climbing Grape', among many other common names) is a woody vine native to India and Southeast Asia. It has tendrils with adhesive discs that help it climb trees and other structures. It has compound leaves with three leaflets, and its flowers are small and yellow. It prefers moist, shady habitats.

Uses & Benefits

Ampelocissus gardineri is used as an ornamental plant, for erosion control, and as a source of food for livestock.

Flower, Seeds and Seedlings

The flowers of Ampelocissus gardineri are small, white and star-shaped. The seeds are small, dark brown and oval shaped. The seedlings are small and dark green.

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Cultivation and Propagation

Ampelocissus gardineri is a fast-growing, evergreen, woody climber. It can be propagated from seed or cuttings. Seeds should be sown in spring or early summer and kept moist until germination. Cuttings should be taken in spring or summer and kept in a warm, humid environment until rooted. The plant prefers well-drained soil and full sun.

Where to Find Ampelocissus gardineri

Ampelocissus gardineri is native to the Mediterranean region, from Spain to Turkey and north to the United Kingdom.

Ampelocissus gardineri FAQ

What is the common name of Ampelocissus gardineri?

Gardiner's Creeper

What is the natural range of Ampelocissus gardineri?


What is the typical height of Ampelocissus gardineri?

Up to 30 feet

Species in the Ampelocissus genus

Ampelocissus birii, Ampelocissus abyssinica, Ampelocissus acapulcensis, Ampelocissus acetosa, Ampelocissus aculeata, Ampelocissus africana, Ampelocissus amentaceus, Ampelocissus angolensis, Ampelocissus arachnoidea, Ampelocissus araneosa, Ampelocissus artemisiifolia, Ampelocissus ascendiflora, Ampelocissus banaensis, Ampelocissus barbata, Ampelocissus bombycina, Ampelocissus borneensis, Ampelocissus botryostachys, Ampelocissus butoensis, Ampelocissus capillaris, Ampelocissus cardiospermoides, Ampelocissus celebica, Ampelocissus chaffanjonii, Ampelocissus changensis, Ampelocissus cinnamomea, Ampelocissus complanata, Ampelocissus concinna, Ampelocissus debilis, Ampelocissus dekindtiana, Ampelocissus dichothrix, Ampelocissus dissecta, Ampelocissus divaricata, Ampelocissus dolichobotrys, Ampelocissus edulis, Ampelocissus elegans, Ampelocissus elephantina, Ampelocissus erdvendbergianus, Ampelocissus filipes, Ampelocissus floccosus, Ampelocissus frutescens, Ampelocissus gardineri, Ampelocissus gracilipes, Ampelocissus gracilis, Ampelocissus harmandii, Ampelocissus helferi, Ampelocissus hoabinhensis, Ampelocissus humulifolia, Ampelocissus imperialis, Ampelocissus indica, Ampelocissus iomalla, Ampelocissus javalensis,

Species in the Vitaceae family

Acareosperma spireanum, Ampelocissus birii, Ampelocissus abyssinica, Ampelocissus acapulcensis, Ampelocissus acetosa, Ampelocissus aculeata, Ampelocissus africana, Ampelocissus amentaceus, Ampelocissus angolensis, Ampelocissus arachnoidea, Ampelocissus araneosa, Ampelocissus artemisiifolia, Ampelocissus ascendiflora, Ampelocissus banaensis, Ampelocissus barbata, Ampelocissus bombycina, Ampelocissus borneensis, Ampelocissus botryostachys, Ampelocissus butoensis, Ampelocissus capillaris, Ampelocissus cardiospermoides, Ampelocissus celebica, Ampelocissus chaffanjonii, Ampelocissus changensis, Ampelocissus cinnamomea, Ampelocissus complanata, Ampelocissus concinna, Ampelocissus debilis, Ampelocissus dekindtiana, Ampelocissus dichothrix, Ampelocissus dissecta, Ampelocissus divaricata, Ampelocissus dolichobotrys, Ampelocissus edulis, Ampelocissus elegans, Ampelocissus elephantina, Ampelocissus erdvendbergianus, Ampelocissus filipes, Ampelocissus floccosus, Ampelocissus frutescens, Ampelocissus gardineri, Ampelocissus gracilipes, Ampelocissus gracilis, Ampelocissus harmandii, Ampelocissus helferi, Ampelocissus hoabinhensis, Ampelocissus humulifolia, Ampelocissus imperialis, Ampelocissus indica, Ampelocissus iomalla,


The Plant List v1.1 record kew-2634359: Based on the initial data import
Jacob Whitman Bailey (1811-1857): Based on occurrence of standard abbreviation 'Bailey' in the authors string.
Betsy Rivers Jackes (b.1935): Based on occurrence of standard abbreviation 'Jackes' in the authors string.