




Citation Micro:
Sp. Pl. : 935 (1753)

WFO Identifier:

Common Names

  • Viola tricolor
  • Tricolor Viola
  • Three-colored Violet

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  • Jacea tricolor (L.) Opiz [unknown]
  • Viola olonnensis Genev. [unknown]
  • Viola orcadensis Drabble [unknown]
  • Viola peregrina Jord. ex Boreau [unknown]
  • Viola perrobusta Borbás [unknown]
  • Viola pallescens Jord. [unknown]
  • Viola paillouxi Jord. [unknown]
  • Viola meduanensis Boreau [unknown]
  • Viola mentita Jord. [unknown]
  • Viola nemausensis Jord. [unknown]
  • Viola mutabilis Rochel [unknown]
  • Viola ruralis Jord. ex Boreau [unknown]
  • Viola sagotii Jord. [unknown]
  • Viola provostii Boreau [unknown]
  • Viola pseudolutea Schur [unknown]
  • Viola garganica Strobl [unknown]
  • Viola foucaudii Sav. [unknown]
  • Viola grandiflora L. [unknown]
  • Viola derelicta Jord. [unknown]
  • Viola deminuta Schur [unknown]
  • Viola leptoceras Schur [unknown]
  • Viola lepida Jord. [unknown]
  • Viola lejeunei Jord. [unknown]
  • Viola lloydii Jord. ex Boreau [unknown]
  • Viola lilascens Heldr. ex Boiss. [unknown]
  • Viola luteola Jord. [unknown]
  • Viola timbali Jord. [unknown]
  • Viola virgata Gren. [unknown]
  • Viola vivariensis Jord. [unknown]
  • Viola variata Jord. [unknown]
  • Viola soongorica Fisch. ex Ledeb. [unknown]
  • Viola subtilis Jord. [unknown]
  • Viola banatica Kit. ex Roem. & Schult. [unknown]
  • Viola bella Gren. ex Gren. & Godr. [unknown]
  • Mnemion sagotii Fourr. [unknown]
  • Mnemion variatum Fourr. [unknown]
  • Mnemion tricolor Spach [unknown]
  • Mnemion nemausense Fourr. [unknown]
  • Mnemion elegans Spach [unknown]
  • Ion tricolor Medik. [unknown]
  • Viola tricolor hortensis DC. [unknown]
  • Viola tenella Muhl. [unknown]
  • Viola tricolor tenella Farw. [unknown]


Viola tricolor (also called wild pansy, among many other common names) is a small perennial herbaceous plant with heart-shaped leaves and white to purple flowers. It is native to Europe and grows in moist, shady habitats.

Uses & Benefits

Viola tricolor is an edible plant that is native to Europe, Asia, and North Africa. It is often used in salads or as a garnish. The flowers of the plant can also be used to make a tea that is said to have calming effects.

Cultivars, Varieties & Sub-species

Viola tricolor sub. curtisii (E.Forst.) Syme
Viola tricolor sub. subalpina Gaudin

Flower, Seeds and Seedlings

Viola tricolor has small, white, pink, and purple flowers with yellow centers. The seeds are small and black. The seedlings are small and have a single stem with small, light green leaves.

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Cultivation and Propagation

Viola tricolor is a perennial plant that is native to Europe. It prefers moist, well-drained soils and partial shade. Propagation is by division of the rhizomes or by seed. Seeds should be sown in the spring or early summer in a cold frame, and the seedlings should be potted up when they are large enough to handle.

Where to Find Viola tricolor

Viola tricolor is native to Europe and Asia. It can be found in moist areas, such as meadows and grasslands.

Viola tricolor FAQ

What is the scientific name of Viola tricolor?

Viola tricolor

What is the family of Viola tricolor?


Where can Viola tricolor be found?

It is found in the Caucasus and Turkey

Species in the Viola genus

Species in the Violaceae family

Agatea lecointei, Agatea longipedicellata, Agatea macrobotrys, Agatea pancheri, Agatea rufotomentosa, Agatea schlechteri, Agatea veillonii, Agatea violaris, Allexis batangae, Allexis cauliflora, Allexis obanensis, Allexis zygomorpha, Amphirrhox grandifolia, Amphirrhox longifolia, Anchietea exalata, Anchietea frangulifolia, Anchietea peruviana, Anchietea pyrifolia, Anchietea raimondii, Anchietea selloviana, Anchietea suma, Anchietea ferrucciae, Anchietea ballardii, Calyptrion arboreum, Calyptrion carthagenense, Calyptrion pubescens, Calyptrion volubile, Decorsella paradoxa, Fusispermum laxiflorum, Fusispermum minutiflorum, Fusispermum rubrolignosum, Hybanthopsis bahiensis, Hybanthus albus, Hybanthus austrocaledonicus, Hybanthus caledonicus, Hybanthus cymulosus, Hybanthus debilissimus, Hybanthus domingensis, Hybanthus durus, Hybanthus epacroides, Hybanthus galeottii, Hybanthus graminifolius, Hybanthus havanensis, Hybanthus heterosepalus, Hybanthus leptopus, Hybanthus leucanthus, Hybanthus micranthus, Hybanthus mossamedensis, Hybanthus paraguariensis, Hybanthus parviflorus,
