




Citation Micro:
Fl. Taur.-Caucas. 1: 173 (1808)

WFO Identifier:

Common Names

  • Viola minuta
  • Dwarf Violet
  • Small-flowered Violet

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Viola minuta (also called Dwarf Violet, among many other common names) is a species of plant in the Violaceae family. It is a perennial herb, growing up to 30 cm in height. It is native to the temperate forests of North America, from Alaska to California. It grows in moist meadows, stream banks, and open woodlands, up to an altitude of 1000 m.

Uses & Benefits

Viola minuta is used as an ornamental plant, as it has attractive flowers. It is also used in traditional medicine for treating fever, colds, and other ailments.

Cultivars, Varieties & Sub-species

Viola minuta sub. dagestanica (Rupr.) Vl.V.Nikitin
Viola minuta sub. meyeriana (Rupr.) Vl.V.Nikitin

Flower, Seeds and Seedlings

Viola minuta has yellow or white flowers with five petals and five sepals. The seeds are small and black. The seedlings have ovate-shaped, dark green leaves.

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Cultivation and Propagation

Viola minuta is a perennial that can be propagated from seed or division. It prefers moist, well-drained soil and full sun to partial shade. The plant can be pruned to maintain its shape and size. It is also tolerant of drought and salt spray.

Where to Find Viola minuta

Viola minuta is native to Europe and is found in alpine meadows, grasslands, and open woodlands.

Viola minuta FAQ

What is the scientific name of Viola minuta?

Viola minuta

What are the common names of Viola minuta?

Common names of Viola minuta include little violet, little yellow violet, and little violets.

Where is Viola minuta found?

Viola minuta is found in wet meadows, marshes, and other wet areas in the eastern United States and Canada.

Species in the Viola genus

Species in the Violaceae family

Agatea lecointei, Agatea longipedicellata, Agatea macrobotrys, Agatea pancheri, Agatea rufotomentosa, Agatea schlechteri, Agatea veillonii, Agatea violaris, Allexis batangae, Allexis cauliflora, Allexis obanensis, Allexis zygomorpha, Amphirrhox grandifolia, Amphirrhox longifolia, Anchietea exalata, Anchietea frangulifolia, Anchietea peruviana, Anchietea pyrifolia, Anchietea raimondii, Anchietea selloviana, Anchietea suma, Anchietea ferrucciae, Anchietea ballardii, Calyptrion arboreum, Calyptrion carthagenense, Calyptrion pubescens, Calyptrion volubile, Decorsella paradoxa, Fusispermum laxiflorum, Fusispermum minutiflorum, Fusispermum rubrolignosum, Hybanthopsis bahiensis, Hybanthus albus, Hybanthus austrocaledonicus, Hybanthus caledonicus, Hybanthus cymulosus, Hybanthus debilissimus, Hybanthus domingensis, Hybanthus durus, Hybanthus epacroides, Hybanthus galeottii, Hybanthus graminifolius, Hybanthus havanensis, Hybanthus heterosepalus, Hybanthus leptopus, Hybanthus leucanthus, Hybanthus micranthus, Hybanthus mossamedensis, Hybanthus paraguariensis, Hybanthus parviflorus,