

(Covas & Schnack) Moldenke



Citation Micro:
Phytologia 2: 150 (1946)

WFO Identifier:

Common Names

  • Verbena Santiaguensis
  • Santiago Verbena
  • Santiago's Verbena

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Verbena santiaguensis (also called Santiago Verbena, among many other common names) is a perennial herb native to the southeastern United States. It has thin, branching stems and small, fragrant, white flowers. It can be found in open woods, meadows, and roadsides.

Uses & Benefits

Verbena santiaguensis is used as an ornamental plant in gardens and parks. It is also used in traditional medicine for its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.

Flower, Seeds and Seedlings

Verbena santiaguensis has small, star-shaped flowers that are typically white, pink, or purple in color. The seeds are small and black, and the seedlings have small, oval-shaped leaves that are covered in fine hairs.

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Cultivation and Propagation

Verbena santiaguensis is a perennial plant that grows best in full sun and well-drained soil. Propagation is done by division or cuttings. Division should be done in the spring or fall. Cuttings should be taken in the spring or summer and should be 4-6 inches long. The cuttings should be placed in a moist soil mix and kept in a warm, humid environment until they root.

Where to Find Verbena santiaguensis

Verbena santiaguensis can be found in the United States, Mexico, Central America, and South America.

Verbena santiaguensis FAQ

What is the scientific name of Verbena santiaguensis?

Verbena santiaguensis

What is the common name of Verbena santiaguensis?

Santiago Vervain

What is the natural habitat of Verbena santiaguensis?

It is native to the United States and Mexico

Species in the Verbena genus

Verbena allenii, Verbena amoena, Verbena andalgalensis, Verbena araucana, Verbena aristigera, Verbena aurantiaca, Verbena bajacalifornica, Verbena balansae, Verbena barbata, Verbena berteroi, Verbena bingenensis, Verbena bipinnatifida, Verbena blanchardii, Verbena bonariensis, Verbena bracteata, Verbena brasiliensis, Verbena californica, Verbena canadensis, Verbena canescens, Verbena caniuensis, Verbena carnea, Verbena carolina, Verbena catharinae, Verbena cheitmaniana, Verbena chiricahensis, Verbena clemensorum, Verbena cloverae, Verbena corymbosa, Verbena cuneifolia, Verbena deamii, Verbena delicatula, Verbena delticola, Verbena demissa, Verbena dissecta, Verbena dusenii, Verbena ehrenbergiana, Verbena elegans, Verbena engelmannii, Verbena ephedroides, Verbena filicaulis, Verbena flava, Verbena glabrata, Verbena gooddingii, Verbena goodmanii, Verbena goyazensis, Verbena gracilescens, Verbena gracilis, Verbena grisea, Verbena guaranitica, Verbena gynobasis,

Species in the Verbenaceae family

Acantholippia seriphioides, Aloysia unifacialis, Aloysia decipiens, Aloysia barbata, Aloysia brasiliensis, Aloysia castellanosii, Aloysia catamarcensis, Aloysia chamaedryfolia, Aloysia chiapensis, Aloysia citrodora, Aloysia crenata, Aloysia densispicata, Aloysia dusenii, Aloysia fiebrigii, Aloysia gentryi, Aloysia gratissima, Aloysia hatschbachii, Aloysia herrerae, Aloysia macrostachya, Aloysia nahuire, Aloysia oblanceolata, Aloysia ovatifolia, Aloysia peruviana, Aloysia polygalifolia, Aloysia polystachya, Aloysia pulchra, Aloysia salviifolia, Aloysia schulziana, Aloysia scorodonioides, Aloysia sonorensis, Aloysia spathulata, Aloysia virgata, Aloysia wrightii, Aloysia velutina, Aloysia cordata, Aloysia arequipensis, Aloysia coalcomana, Aloysia salsoloides, Aloysia deserticola, Aloysia trifida, Aloysia riojana, Aloysia tarapacana, Bouchea agrestis, Bouchea boliviana, Bouchea dissecta, Bouchea notabilis, Bouchea prismatica, Bouchea pseudochascanum, Bouchea rusbyi, Bouchea spathulata,


Harold Norman Moldenke (1909-1996): Based on occurrence of standard abbreviation 'Moldenke' in the authors string.
Guillermo Covas (1915-1995): Based on occurrence of standard abbreviation 'Covas' in the authors string.
Benno Schnack (1910-1981): Based on occurrence of standard abbreviation 'Schnack' in the authors string.
POWO record for Govaerts R (ed.). 2023. WCVP: World Checklist of Vascular Plants [Version 11]. Facilitated by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. [WWW document] URL [accessed 20 April 2023].