




Citation Micro:
Fl. Bras. 3(1): 81 (1847)

WFO Identifier:

Common Names

  • Vellozia dasypus
  • Dasypus Vellozia
  • Dasypus Vellozia Plant

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Vellozia dasypus (also called Dasypus Vellozia, Dasypus Vellozia, and Dasypus Vellozia, among many other common names) is a perennial herbaceous plant native to South America. It has a single stem with three leaves and a single white flower with three petals. It grows in deciduous forests, woodlands, and thickets.

Uses & Benefits

Vellozia dasypus is used medicinally to treat skin diseases, fever, and headaches. It is also used as an ornamental plant for its attractive foliage.

Flower, Seeds and Seedlings

The flower of Vellozia dasypus is a white, star-shaped flower with yellow anthers. The seed is a small, black, ovoid seed with a smooth surface. The seedling is a small, thin, upright stem with small, oval leaves.

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Cultivation and Propagation

Vellozia dasypus is a small, evergreen shrub with a rounded habit. It is native to South America and prefers a sunny position in well-drained soil. Propagation is best done from cuttings taken in spring or summer. The cuttings should be taken from the tips of the branches and should be about 5-7 cm long. They should be planted in a mix of sand and peat moss and kept moist until they have rooted. The rooted cuttings can then be transplanted into individual pots.

Where to Find Vellozia dasypus

Vellozia dasypus can be found in the tropical regions of Central and South America.

Vellozia dasypus FAQ

What is the scientific name of Vellozia dasypus?

Vellozia dasypus

What is the family of Vellozia dasypus?


What is the common name of Vellozia dasypus?

Dasypus Vellozia

Species in the Vellozia genus

Vellozia sessilis, Vellozia punctulata, Vellozia pusilla, Vellozia resinosa, Vellozia taxifolia, Vellozia tragacantha, Vellozia tomentosa, Vellozia tubiflora, Vellozia dasypus, Vellozia sulphurea, Vellozia squamata, Vellozia squalida, Vellozia sellovii, Vellozia abietina, Vellozia epidendroides, Vellozia compacta, Vellozia tillandsioides, Vellozia armata, Vellozia costata, Vellozia stenocarpa, Vellozia caudata, Vellozia verruculosa, Vellozia canelinha, Vellozia incurvata, Vellozia ornata, Vellozia minima, Vellozia intermedia, Vellozia hemisphaerica, Vellozia graminea, Vellozia cryptantha, Vellozia ramosissima, Vellozia patens, Vellozia pilosa, Vellozia piresiana, Vellozia pterocarpa, Vellozia pumila, Vellozia nivea, Vellozia scabrosa, Vellozia scoparia, Vellozia seubertiana, Vellozia sincorana, Vellozia pulchra, Vellozia lilacina, Vellozia macedonis, Vellozia nuda, Vellozia maxillarioides, Vellozia metzgerae, Vellozia modesta, Vellozia nanuzae, Vellozia stellata,

Species in the Velloziaceae family

Acanthochlamys bracteata, Barbacenia andersonii, Barbacenia aurea, Barbacenia bahiana, Barbacenia beauverdii, Barbacenia blackii, Barbacenia blanchetii, Barbacenia brachycalyx, Barbacenia brasiliensis, Barbacenia brevifolia, Barbacenia burle-marxii, Barbacenia caricina, Barbacenia celiae, Barbacenia chlorantha, Barbacenia coccinea, Barbacenia conicostigma, Barbacenia contasana, Barbacenia coronata, Barbacenia culta, Barbacenia curviflora, Barbacenia cuspidata, Barbacenia cyananthera, Barbacenia cylindrica, Barbacenia damaziana, Barbacenia delicatula, Barbacenia ensifolia, Barbacenia exscapa, Barbacenia filamentifera, Barbacenia flava, Barbacenia flavida, Barbacenia foliosa, Barbacenia fragrans, Barbacenia fulva, Barbacenia gardneri, Barbacenia gaveensis, Barbacenia gentianoides, Barbacenia glabra, Barbacenia glauca, Barbacenia glaziovii, Barbacenia globata, Barbacenia glutinosa, Barbacenia goethartii, Barbacenia gounelleana, Barbacenia graciliflora, Barbacenia graminifolia, Barbacenia grisea, Barbacenia hatschbachii, Barbacenia hilairei, Barbacenia hirtiflora, Barbacenia ignea,
