Citation Micro:
Leafl. Philipp. Bot. 9: 3230 (1934)
WFO Identifier:
Common Names
- Pacificum Elatostema
- Pacificum Elatostema Plant
- Elatostema pacificum
Elatostema pacificum (also called Pacific Elatostema, among many other common names) is a perennial herbaceous plant native to China. It has ovate-lanceolate leaves and its stems are usually red or purple in color. It grows in forests, shrublands, and grasslands.
Uses & Benefits
Elatostema pacificum is used as an ornamental plant in gardens and landscapes. It is also used for erosion control and as a groundcover.
Flower, Seeds and Seedlings
Elatostema pacificum has small, white flowers with four petals and four sepals. The seeds are small, black and glossy. The seedlings are green and have small, ovate-shaped leaves.
Cultivation and Propagation
Elatostema pacificum is a low-growing, evergreen perennial that can be propagated by division or by cuttings. It prefers a moist, well-drained soil and partial shade. It is tolerant of light frosts and can be grown in containers. It can be propagated by division in spring or by cuttings taken in spring or summer.
Where to Find Elatostema pacificum
Elatostema pacificum is native to the tropical rainforests of Southeast Asia, including Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia.
Elatostema pacificum FAQ
What is the scientific name of Elatostema pacificum?
Elatostema pacificum
What is the common name of Elatostema pacificum?
Pacific Elatostema
Where is Elatostema pacificum native to?
Species in the Elatostema genus
Elatostema binatum,
Elatostema duyunense,
Elatostema gyrocephalum,
Elatostema hechiense,
Elatostema microcarpum,
Elatostema simplicissimum,
Elatostema abangense,
Elatostema acrophilum,
Elatostema acuminatissimum,
Elatostema acuminatum,
Elatostema acuteserratum,
Elatostema acutitepalum,
Elatostema agusanense,
Elatostema albopilosum,
Elatostema aliferum,
Elatostema alnifolium,
Elatostema ambiguum,
Elatostema angulosum,
Elatostema angustatum,
Elatostema angustifolium,
Elatostema angustitepalum,
Elatostema annulatum,
Elatostema antonii,
Elatostema apoense,
Elatostema appendiculatum,
Elatostema arcuans,
Elatostema articulatum,
Elatostema asterocephalum,
Elatostema atropurpureum,
Elatostema atroviride,
Elatostema attenuatoides,
Elatostema attenuatum,
Elatostema auriculatifolium,
Elatostema auriculatum,
Elatostema baiseense,
Elatostema balansae,
Elatostema banahaense,
Elatostema barbarufa,
Elatostema barbatum,
Elatostema baruringense,
Elatostema basiandrum,
Elatostema beccarii,
Elatostema beibengense,
Elatostema belense,
Elatostema benguetense,
Elatostema bidiense,
Elatostema biglomeratum,
Elatostema binerve,
Elatostema blechnoides,
Elatostema boehmerioides,
Species in the Urticaceae family
Archiboehmeria atrata,
Astrothalamus reticulatus,
Australina flaccida,
Australina pusilla,
Australina pusilla,
Boehmeria aspera,
Boehmeria balslevii,
Boehmeria beyeri,
Boehmeria brevirostris,
Boehmeria bullata,
Boehmeria burgeriana,
Boehmeria caudata,
Boehmeria celtidifolia,
Boehmeria clidemioides,
Boehmeria conica,
Boehmeria cylindrica,
Boehmeria densiflora,
Boehmeria depauperata,
Boehmeria didymogyne,
Boehmeria dura,
Boehmeria egregia,
Boehmeria excelsa,
Boehmeria grandis,
Boehmeria hamiltoniana,
Boehmeria helferi,
Boehmeria heterophylla,
Boehmeria holosericea,
Boehmeria japonica,
Boehmeria kiusiana,
Boehmeria kurzii,
Boehmeria lanceolata,
Boehmeria martii,
Boehmeria multiflora,
Boehmeria nakashimae,
Boehmeria nivea,
Boehmeria ourantha,
Boehmeria pavonii,
Boehmeria penduliflora,
Boehmeria pilosiuscula,
Boehmeria platanifolia,
Boehmeria polystachya,
Boehmeria radiata,
Boehmeria ramiflora,
Boehmeria repens,
Boehmeria rugosissima,
Boehmeria siamensis,
Boehmeria sieboldiana,
Boehmeria spicigera,
Boehmeria splitgerbera,
Boehmeria ternifolia,