J.-F.Leroy ex A.P.Davis & F.Rakotonasolo
Citation Micro:
Adansonia , sér. 3, 23: 143 (2001)
WFO Identifier:
Common Names
- Coffea ratsimamangae
- Ratsimamangae Coffee
- Ratsimamangae Coffea
Coffea ratsimamangae (also called 'Ratsimamangae's Coffea', among many other common names) is a species of flowering plant in the Rubiaceae family. It is native to Madagascar. It is an evergreen shrub with long, narrow leaves and white flowers. It grows in moist, shady areas of the rainforest.
Uses & Benefits
Coffea ratsimamangae has been used to make coffee. It is also used for its medicinal properties, such as treating headaches, nausea, and indigestion.
Flower, Seeds and Seedlings
The flower of Coffea ratsimamangae is a small, white, star-shaped flower with five petals. The seed is a small, brown, round seed. The seedlings are small, green, and have a single stem.
Cultivation and Propagation
Coffea ratsimamangae is a tropical shrub native to Madagascar. It can be propagated from seed, cuttings, or air layering. The seeds should be sown in a well-draining soil mix and kept moist until germination. Cuttings should be taken from healthy, mature plants and rooted in a moist, well-draining soil mix. Air layering is a method of propagation in which a branch is partially girdled and then wrapped in a moist medium such as sphagnum moss, which will eventually form roots.
Where to Find Coffea ratsimamangae
Coffea ratsimamangae is native to Madagascar.
Species in the Coffea genus
Coffea ankaranensis,
Coffea bakossii,
Coffea bridsoniae,
Coffea kihansiensis,
Coffea minutiflora,
Coffea moratii,
Coffea sambavensis,
Coffea vohemarensis,
Coffea fotsoana,
Coffea mapiana,
Coffea boinensis,
Coffea labatii,
Coffea namorokensis,
Coffea bissetiae,
Coffea charrieriana,
Coffea ambongensis,
Coffea pterocarpa,
Coffea abbayesii,
Coffea affinis,
Coffea alleizettei,
Coffea ambanjensis,
Coffea andrambovatensis,
Coffea arabica,
Coffea arenesiana,
Coffea augagneuri,
Coffea benghalensis,
Coffea bertrandi,
Coffea betamponensis,
Coffea boiviniana,
Coffea bonnieri,
Coffea brevipes,
Coffea buxifolia,
Coffea canephora,
Coffea carrissoi,
Coffea cochinchinensis,
Coffea commersoniana,
Coffea congensis,
Coffea costatifructa,
Coffea coursiana,
Coffea dactylifera,
Coffea decaryana,
Coffea dubardi,
Coffea ebracteolata,
Coffea eugenioides,
Coffea fadenii,
Coffea farafanganensis,
Coffea floresiana,
Coffea fragilis,
Coffea fragrans,
Coffea gallienii,
Species in the Rubiaceae family
Acranthera abbreviata,
Acranthera anamallica,
Acranthera athroophlebia,
Acranthera atropella,
Acranthera aurantiaca,
Acranthera axilliflora,
Acranthera bullata,
Acranthera capitata,
Acranthera ceylanica,
Acranthera didymocarpa,
Acranthera endertii,
Acranthera frutescens,
Acranthera grandiflora,
Acranthera hallieri,
Acranthera hirtostipula,
Acranthera involucrata,
Acranthera johannis-winkleri,
Acranthera lanceolata,
Acranthera longipes,
Acranthera longipetiolata,
Acranthera maculata,
Acranthera megaphylla,
Acranthera monantha,
Acranthera nieuwenhuisii,
Acranthera ophiorhizoides,
Acranthera parviflora,
Acranthera philippensis,
Acranthera ruttenii,
Acranthera salmonea,
Acranthera siamensis,
Acranthera siliquosa,
Acranthera simalurensis,
Acranthera sinensis,
Acranthera strigosa,
Acranthera tomentosa,
Acranthera variegata,
Acranthera velutinervia,
Acranthera yatesii,
Acranthera philippinensis,
Acranthera burmanica,
Acranthera virescens,
Acranthera hoangii,
Acranthera collina,
Acrobotrys discolor,
Acrosynanthus jamaicensis,
Acrosynanthus latifolius,
Acrosynanthus minor,
Acrosynanthus ovatus,
Acrosynanthus parvifolius,
Acrosynanthus revolutus,