




Citation Micro:
Proc. Linn. Soc. London 146: 76 (1934)

WFO Identifier:

Common Names

  • Sorbus subcuneata
  • Subcuneata Whitebeam
  • Subcuneate Rowan

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Sorbus subcuneata (also called cuneate-leaved mountain-ash, among many other common names) is a deciduous shrub native to China and Japan. It typically grows to a height of 1-2 meters and has white flowers. It is found in woodlands, hedgerows, and along roadsides.

Uses & Benefits

Sorbus subcuneata is used as an ornamental plant in gardens and parks. It is also used in traditional medicine to treat a variety of ailments including fever, colds, and digestive problems.

Flower, Seeds and Seedlings

The flowers of Sorbus subcuneata are small, white, and five-petaled. The fruits are small, red, and round, with a single seed. The seedlings have a single cotyledon, and the first true leaves are oval-shaped.

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Cultivation and Propagation

Sorbus subcuneata is a deciduous shrub that can be propagated by seed or cuttings. It prefers full sun and well-drained soil. It is tolerant of drought and can be grown in a wide range of soil types. It is best to plant it in spring or fall. Cuttings should be taken in late summer or early fall and planted in a well-drained soil mix. Seeds should be planted in spring and kept moist until germination. It can also be propagated by layering.

Where to Find Sorbus subcuneata

Sorbus subcuneata is native to East Asia and can be found in parts of North America.

Species in the Sorbus genus

Sorbus ligustrifolia, Sorbus arranensis, Sorbus decipiens, Sorbus leptophylla, Sorbus matsumurana, Sorbus eminens, Sorbus rupicola, Sorbus croceocarpa, Sorbus mougeotii, Sorbus cashmiriana, Sorbus scopulina, Sorbus commixta, Sorbus gorodkovii, Sorbus hajastana, Sorbus kusnetzovii, Sorbus pontica, Sorbus tauricola, Sorbus himalaica, Sorbus subulata, Sorbus splendida, Sorbus monbeigii, Sorbus aria, Sorbus arachnoidea, Sorbus armeniaca, Sorbus filipes, Sorbus forrestii, Sorbus glomerulata, Sorbus graeca, Sorbus kiukiangensis, Sorbus koehneana, Sorbus kurzii, Sorbus lanata, Sorbus luristanica, Sorbus macrantha, Sorbus microphylla, Sorbus persica, Sorbus reducta, Sorbus rehderiana, Sorbus rinzenii, Sorbus rufopilosa, Sorbus sargentiana, Sorbus scalaris, Sorbus setschwanensis, Sorbus subfusca, Sorbus takhtajanii, Sorbus tamamschjanae, Sorbus tianschanica, Sorbus turkestanica, Sorbus wilsoniana, Sorbus brevipetiolata,

Species in the Rosaceae family

Acaena macrocephala, Acaena antarctica, Acaena argentea, Acaena boliviana, Acaena buchananii, Acaena echinata, Acaena agnipila, Acaena cylindristachya, Acaena confertissima, Acaena eupatoria, Acaena integerrima, Acaena leptacantha, Acaena ovina, Acaena magellanica, Acaena masafuerana, Acaena patagonica, Acaena tenera, Acaena platyacantha, Acaena pumila, Acaena splendens, Acaena stricta, Acaena stangii, Acaena trifida, Acaena pallida, Acaena caespitosa, Acaena saccaticupula, Acaena subincisa, Acaena hirsutula, Acaena fissistipula, Acaena glabra, Acaena tesca, Acaena juvenca, Acaena emittens, Acaena dumicola, Acaena profundeincisa, Acaena minor, Acaena alpina, Acaena montana, Acaena myriophylla, Acaena poeppigiana, Acaena anserovina, Acaena sericea, Acaena latebrosa, Acaena sarmentosa, Acaena elongata, Acaena exigua, Acaena rorida, Acaena novae-zelandiae, Acaena pinnatifida, Acaena inermis,
