(Hook.f.) Chatterjee
Citation Micro:
Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 19: 326 (1938)
WFO Identifier:
Common Names
- Sibbaldia
- Perpusilla Sibbaldia
- Small Sibbaldia
Sibbaldia perpusilla (also called Perpusilla Sibbaldia, among many other common names) is a perennial herbaceous plant native to the mountains of Central and Southern Europe. It has a low-growing habit, with a maximum height of 10 cm and a spread of 30 cm. It has yellow flowers with five petals and deeply divided leaves. It grows in rocky areas, meadows and grasslands.
Uses & Benefits
Sibbaldia perpusilla is used as an ornamental plant in gardens and parks, and is also used for erosion control on slopes.
Flower, Seeds and Seedlings
The flowers of Sibbaldia perpusilla are small, yellow, and bell-shaped. The seeds are small and black. The seedlings are thin and have two cotyledons.
Cultivation and Propagation
Sibbaldia perpusilla is a small, evergreen shrub that grows up to 1.5 m tall. It is hardy to USDA zones 4-7 and prefers full sun to partial shade. It is best grown in well-drained, moist soils. Propagate by seed or cuttings in spring or summer.
Where to Find Sibbaldia perpusilla
Sibbaldia perpusilla is native to the mountains of western North America and can be found in alpine meadows and rocky slopes.
Species in the Sibbaldia genus
Sibbaldia adpressa,
Sibbaldia omeiensis,
Sibbaldia tetrandra,
Sibbaldia tenuis,
Sibbaldia sikkimensis,
Sibbaldia sericea,
Sibbaldia micropetala,
Sibbaldia perpusilla,
Sibbaldia olgae,
Sibbaldia cuneata,
Sibbaldia purpurea,
Sibbaldia procumbens,
Sibbaldia macrophylla,
Sibbaldia compacta,
Sibbaldia parviflora,
Sibbaldia trullifolia,
Sibbaldia cuneifolia,
Sibbaldia miyabei,
Sibbaldia tridentata,
Sibbaldia pentaphylla,
Species in the Rosaceae family
Acaena macrocephala,
Acaena antarctica,
Acaena argentea,
Acaena boliviana,
Acaena buchananii,
Acaena echinata,
Acaena agnipila,
Acaena cylindristachya,
Acaena confertissima,
Acaena eupatoria,
Acaena integerrima,
Acaena leptacantha,
Acaena ovina,
Acaena magellanica,
Acaena masafuerana,
Acaena patagonica,
Acaena tenera,
Acaena platyacantha,
Acaena pumila,
Acaena splendens,
Acaena stricta,
Acaena stangii,
Acaena trifida,
Acaena pallida,
Acaena caespitosa,
Acaena saccaticupula,
Acaena subincisa,
Acaena hirsutula,
Acaena fissistipula,
Acaena glabra,
Acaena tesca,
Acaena juvenca,
Acaena emittens,
Acaena dumicola,
Acaena profundeincisa,
Acaena minor,
Acaena alpina,
Acaena montana,
Acaena myriophylla,
Acaena poeppigiana,
Acaena anserovina,
Acaena sericea,
Acaena latebrosa,
Acaena sarmentosa,
Acaena elongata,
Acaena exigua,
Acaena rorida,
Acaena novae-zelandiae,
Acaena pinnatifida,
Acaena inermis,