Citation Micro:
Bot. Naturschutz Hessen 20: 54 (2007)
WFO Identifier:
Common Names
- Pottianus Bramble
- Rubus Pottianus
- Pottianus Blackberry
Rubus pottianus (also called Pottian raspberry, among many other common names) is a species of flowering plant in the rose family, native to Europe and Asia. It is a deciduous shrub with a sprawling habit, growing to 1–2 m tall. Its leaves are pinnate, with three to five leaflets. The flowers are white or pink, and the fruits are red raspberries.
Uses & Benefits
Rubus pottianus is used as an ornamental plant, for its edible fruits, and for its medicinal properties.
Flower, Seeds and Seedlings
Rubus pottianus has white flowers with five petals and a yellow center. The seeds are small and black and the seedlings have a reddish-brown stem and small, oval leaves.
Cultivation and Propagation
Rubus pottianus is a deciduous shrub that is best grown in full sun and moist, well-drained soils. Propagation is usually done by softwood cuttings taken in early summer or by division in early spring.
Where to Find Rubus pottianus
Rubus pottianus can be found in the forests of Central and Eastern Europe.
Species in the Rubus genus
Rubus orbifrons,
Rubus anhaltianus,
Rubus schiedeanus,
Rubus neogardicus,
Rubus multifidus,
Rubus atrebatum,
Rubus scabripes,
Rubus incarnatus,
Rubus microphyllus,
Rubus praecox,
Rubus procerus,
Rubus roseus,
Rubus floribundus,
Rubus idaeifolius,
Rubus newbridgensis,
Rubus chevalieri,
Rubus britannicus,
Rubus leightonii,
Rubus cordatifolius,
Rubus cockburnianus,
Rubus occidentalis,
Rubus pervalidus,
Rubus chaetophorus,
Rubus rugosus,
Rubus blepharoneurus,
Rubus khasianus,
Rubus annamensis,
Rubus pascuorum,
Rubus polyadenus,
Rubus ischyracanthus,
Rubus lanaticaulis,
Rubus murrayi,
Rubus exter,
Rubus armeniacus,
Rubus putneiensis,
Rubus spadix,
Rubus adspersus,
Rubus babingtonianus,
Rubus acclivitatus,
Rubus altiarcuatus,
Rubus franchetianus,
Rubus infestisepalus,
Rubus cantianus,
Rubus aristisepalus,
Rubus dentatifolius,
Rubus naldretti,
Rubus fuscoviridis,
Rubus wedgwoodiae,
Rubus cavatifolius,
Rubus hesperius,
Species in the Rosaceae family
Acaena macrocephala,
Acaena antarctica,
Acaena argentea,
Acaena boliviana,
Acaena buchananii,
Acaena echinata,
Acaena agnipila,
Acaena cylindristachya,
Acaena confertissima,
Acaena eupatoria,
Acaena integerrima,
Acaena leptacantha,
Acaena ovina,
Acaena magellanica,
Acaena masafuerana,
Acaena patagonica,
Acaena tenera,
Acaena platyacantha,
Acaena pumila,
Acaena splendens,
Acaena stricta,
Acaena stangii,
Acaena trifida,
Acaena pallida,
Acaena caespitosa,
Acaena saccaticupula,
Acaena subincisa,
Acaena hirsutula,
Acaena fissistipula,
Acaena glabra,
Acaena tesca,
Acaena juvenca,
Acaena emittens,
Acaena dumicola,
Acaena profundeincisa,
Acaena minor,
Acaena alpina,
Acaena montana,
Acaena myriophylla,
Acaena poeppigiana,
Acaena anserovina,
Acaena sericea,
Acaena latebrosa,
Acaena sarmentosa,
Acaena elongata,
Acaena exigua,
Acaena rorida,
Acaena novae-zelandiae,
Acaena pinnatifida,
Acaena inermis,