

(L.) L.



Citation Micro:
Amoenitates academicae ; 1749 49 1756

WFO Identifier:

Common Names

  • Hybrid Lady's Mantle
  • Hybrid Alchemilla
  • Hybrida Alchemilla

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Alchemilla hybrida (also called Hybrid Lady's Mantle, among many other common names) is a perennial herbaceous plant native to the Northern Hemisphere. It has a basal rosette of leaves and yellow flowers. It grows in meadows, grasslands, and open woodlands.

Uses & Benefits

Alchemilla hybrida is an ornamental plant used in gardens and landscaping. Its leaves can also be used to make herbal teas.

Flower, Seeds and Seedlings

The flower of Alchemilla hybrida is a yellow, five-petaled bloom with a yellow center. The seed is a small, dark brown nut. The seedlings are small, dark green, and have a single stem.

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Cultivation and Propagation

Alchemilla hybrida is a deciduous shrub that is easy to propagate from cuttings. Take cuttings in late summer or early autumn and plant them in a well-drained soil. Keep the soil moist and in a sheltered spot. The cuttings should root within a few weeks. Once the roots are established, transplant the cuttings to their permanent location.

Where to Find Alchemilla hybrida

Alchemilla hybrida can be found in the mountains of central and southern Europe.

Species in the Alchemilla genus

Alchemilla filicaulis, Alchemilla volkensii, Alchemilla velebitica, Alchemilla faroensis, Alchemilla hybrida, Alchemilla veronicae, Alchemilla amphisericea, Alchemilla supina, Alchemilla erythropodoides, Alchemilla rubricaulis, Alchemilla firma, Alchemilla cornucopioides, Alchemilla floribunda, Alchemilla glabra, Alchemilla wichurae, Alchemilla samuelssonii, Alchemilla taurica, Alchemilla cuneata, Alchemilla lanuginosa, Alchemilla marcailhouorum, Alchemilla jailae, Alchemilla alpigena, Alchemilla tredecimloba, Alchemilla xanthochlora, Alchemilla glomerulans, Alchemilla hypochlora, Alchemilla heteroschista, Alchemilla rubens, Alchemilla omalophylla, Alchemilla pachyphylla, Alchemilla tianschanica, Alchemilla laeticolor, Alchemilla humilicaulis, Alchemilla sanguinolenta, Alchemilla lipschitzii, Alchemilla purpurascens, Alchemilla diglossa, Alchemilla biquadrata, Alchemilla transiliensis, Alchemilla fontinalis, Alchemilla sauri, Alchemilla pogonophora, Alchemilla urceolata, Alchemilla frondosa, Alchemilla psilocaula, Alchemilla pilosiplica, Alchemilla smirnovii, Alchemilla capillacea, Alchemilla laeta, Alchemilla circassica,

Species in the Rosaceae family

Acaena macrocephala, Acaena antarctica, Acaena argentea, Acaena boliviana, Acaena buchananii, Acaena echinata, Acaena agnipila, Acaena cylindristachya, Acaena confertissima, Acaena eupatoria, Acaena integerrima, Acaena leptacantha, Acaena ovina, Acaena magellanica, Acaena masafuerana, Acaena patagonica, Acaena tenera, Acaena platyacantha, Acaena pumila, Acaena splendens, Acaena stricta, Acaena stangii, Acaena trifida, Acaena pallida, Acaena caespitosa, Acaena saccaticupula, Acaena subincisa, Acaena hirsutula, Acaena fissistipula, Acaena glabra, Acaena tesca, Acaena juvenca, Acaena emittens, Acaena dumicola, Acaena profundeincisa, Acaena minor, Acaena alpina, Acaena montana, Acaena myriophylla, Acaena poeppigiana, Acaena anserovina, Acaena sericea, Acaena latebrosa, Acaena sarmentosa, Acaena elongata, Acaena exigua, Acaena rorida, Acaena novae-zelandiae, Acaena pinnatifida, Acaena inermis,


The Plant List v1.1 record rjp-10606: Based on the initial data import
Carl Linnaeus (1707-1778): Based on occurrence of standard abbreviation 'L.' in the authors string.