

(Merr.) Pax & K.Hoffm.



Citation Micro:
Pflanzenr. , IV, 147, XV: 250 (1922)

WFO Identifier:

Common Names

  • Falcata Drypetes
  • Falcata Drypetes
  • Falcata Drypetes

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Drypetes falcata (also called Falcata, among many other common names) is a small tree or shrub, usually 2 to 4 meters tall, with a trunk up to 20 cm in diameter. It is native to tropical Africa, from Guinea to Uganda, and is found in moist forests, riverine forests, and sometimes in secondary forests. It has alternate, simple, elliptic to oblong leaves, up to 15 cm long.

Uses & Benefits

Drypetes falcata is used as an ornamental plant in gardens and parks. It is also used for its wood, which is used for making furniture and construction.

Flower, Seeds and Seedlings

The flowers of Drypetes falcata are small, white, and have four petals. The seeds are small, round, and black. The seedlings are small and green with two leaves.

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Cultivation and Propagation

Drypetes falcata can be propagated by seed or cuttings. Seeds should be sown in a well-draining soil mix and kept moist. Cuttings should be taken from healthy stems and planted in a moist soil mix. Both methods should be done in a warm, humid environment with indirect sunlight.

Where to Find Drypetes falcata

Drypetes falcata can be found in the tropical forests of India.

Species in the Drypetes genus

Drypetes longistipitata, Drypetes bakembei, Drypetes kwangtungensis, Drypetes acuminata, Drypetes aetoxyloides, Drypetes aframensis, Drypetes afzelii, Drypetes alba, Drypetes amazonica, Drypetes ambigua, Drypetes andamanica, Drypetes angustifolia, Drypetes arborescens, Drypetes arcuatinervia, Drypetes arguta, Drypetes assamica, Drypetes aubrevillei, Drypetes australis, Drypetes aylmeri, Drypetes balakrishnanii, Drypetes bathiei, Drypetes bawanii, Drypetes bhattacharyae, Drypetes bipindensis, Drypetes bisacuta, Drypetes brownii, Drypetes caesia, Drypetes calvescens, Drypetes calyptosepala, Drypetes cambodica, Drypetes capillipes, Drypetes capuronii, Drypetes carolinensis, Drypetes castilloi, Drypetes caustica, Drypetes celastrinea, Drypetes celebica, Drypetes chevalieri, Drypetes cinnabarina, Drypetes cockburnii, Drypetes comorensis, Drypetes confertiflora, Drypetes congestiflora, Drypetes convoluta, Drypetes crassipes, Drypetes cumingii, Drypetes curtisii, Drypetes darcyana, Drypetes darimontiana, Drypetes dasycarpa,

Species in the Putranjivaceae family

Drypetes longistipitata, Drypetes bakembei, Drypetes kwangtungensis, Drypetes acuminata, Drypetes aetoxyloides, Drypetes aframensis, Drypetes afzelii, Drypetes alba, Drypetes amazonica, Drypetes ambigua, Drypetes andamanica, Drypetes angustifolia, Drypetes arborescens, Drypetes arcuatinervia, Drypetes arguta, Drypetes assamica, Drypetes aubrevillei, Drypetes australis, Drypetes aylmeri, Drypetes balakrishnanii, Drypetes bathiei, Drypetes bawanii, Drypetes bhattacharyae, Drypetes bipindensis, Drypetes bisacuta, Drypetes brownii, Drypetes caesia, Drypetes calvescens, Drypetes calyptosepala, Drypetes cambodica, Drypetes capillipes, Drypetes capuronii, Drypetes carolinensis, Drypetes castilloi, Drypetes caustica, Drypetes celastrinea, Drypetes celebica, Drypetes chevalieri, Drypetes cinnabarina, Drypetes cockburnii, Drypetes comorensis, Drypetes confertiflora, Drypetes congestiflora, Drypetes convoluta, Drypetes crassipes, Drypetes cumingii, Drypetes curtisii, Drypetes darcyana, Drypetes darimontiana, Drypetes dasycarpa,


The Plant List v1.1 record kew-64859: Based on the initial data import
Elmer Drew Merrill (1876-1956): Based on occurrence of standard abbreviation 'Merr.' in the authors string.
Ferdinand Albin Pax (1858-1942): Based on occurrence of standard abbreviation 'Pax' in the authors string.
Käthe Hoffmann (b.1883): Based on occurrence of standard abbreviation 'K.Hoffm.' in the authors string.