(A.DC.) Miq.
Citation Micro:
Fl. Bras. 10: 298 (1856)
WFO Identifier:
Common Names
- Guyana Cybianthus
- Guyanan Cybianthus
- Guyana Cybianthus
- Conomorpha guyanensis A.DC. [unknown]
- Conomorpha heterantha Benth. ex Miq. [unknown]
- Cybianthus guyanensis guyanensis [unknown]
- Peckia guyanensis (A.DC.) Kuntze [unknown]
Cybianthus guyanensis (also called Guyana Cybianthus, among many other common names) is a small shrub or tree that grows up to 10 m tall. It is native to the Guianas and is found in wet montane forests. It has alternate, simple leaves, and flowers that are white or yellowish-white in color.
Uses & Benefits
Cybianthus guyanensis is used as an ornamental plant in gardens, parks, and other landscaping projects. It is also used in traditional medicine for its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.
Cultivars, Varieties & Sub-species
Cybianthus guyanensis sub. pseudoicacoreus (Miq.) Pipoly
Flower, Seeds and Seedlings
Cybianthus guyanensis has small, white flowers with five petals and yellow anthers. The seeds are small, dark brown and slightly angular. The seedlings are small and have a single pair of cotyledons.
Cultivation and Propagation
Cybianthus guyanensis is a shrub that can be propagated from cuttings or by seed. It prefers full sun and well-drained soil. It can be grown in containers or in the ground. Water regularly and fertilize monthly during the growing season.
Where to Find Cybianthus guyanensis
Cybianthus guyanensis is native to Guyana and can be found in forests and grasslands.
Cybianthus guyanensis FAQ
What is the scientific name of Cybianthus guyanensis?
Cybianthus guyanensis
What is the natural habitat of Cybianthus guyanensis?
Tropical and subtropical forests
What are the common names of Cybianthus guyanensis?
Guyana Cybianthus
Species in the Cybianthus genus
Cybianthus agostinianus,
Cybianthus alpestris,
Cybianthus amplus,
Cybianthus anthuriophyllus,
Cybianthus antillanus,
Cybianthus apiculatus,
Cybianthus bahiensis,
Cybianthus barbosae,
Cybianthus barrosoanus,
Cybianthus baruanus,
Cybianthus blanchetii,
Cybianthus bogotensis,
Cybianthus boissieri,
Cybianthus breweri,
Cybianthus buchtienii,
Cybianthus candamoensis,
Cybianthus caracasanus,
Cybianthus cardonae,
Cybianthus cenepensis,
Cybianthus chamaephyta,
Cybianthus cogolloi,
Cybianthus collinus,
Cybianthus colombianus,
Cybianthus comperuvianus,
Cybianthus coriaceus,
Cybianthus coronatus,
Cybianthus costaricanus,
Cybianthus croatii,
Cybianthus crotonoides,
Cybianthus cruegeri,
Cybianthus cuatrecasasii,
Cybianthus cuneifolius,
Cybianthus cuspidatus,
Cybianthus cuyabensis,
Cybianthus cyclopetalus,
Cybianthus deltatus,
Cybianthus densicomus,
Cybianthus densiflorus,
Cybianthus detergens,
Cybianthus duckei,
Cybianthus duidae,
Cybianthus dussii,
Cybianthus fabiolae,
Cybianthus fendleri,
Cybianthus flavovirens,
Cybianthus fosteri,
Cybianthus frigidicola,
Cybianthus froelichii,
Cybianthus fulvopulverulentus,
Cybianthus fuscus,
Species in the Primulaceae family
Aegiceras corniculatum,
Aegiceras floridum,
Amblyanthopsis bhotanica,
Amblyanthopsis membranacea,
Amblyanthopsis philippinensis,
Amblyanthus glandulosus,
Amblyanthus multiflorus,
Amblyanthus obovatus,
Amblyanthus praetervisus,
Androsace beringensis,
Androsace idahoensis,
Androsace adenocephala,
Androsace adfinis,
Androsace aflatunensis,
Androsace aizoon,
Androsace akbajtalensis,
Androsace alaica,
Androsace alaschanica,
Androsace alaskana,
Androsace albana,
Androsace alchemilloides,
Androsace alpina,
Androsace americana,
Androsace apus,
Androsace aretioides,
Androsace aretioides,
Androsace argentea,
Androsace armeniaca,
Androsace axillaris,
Androsace baltistanica,
Androsace bidentata,
Androsace bisulca,
Androsace brachystegia,
Androsace brahmaputrae,
Androsace brevis,
Androsace bryomorpha,
Androsace bulleyana,
Androsace bungeana,
Androsace caduca,
Androsace caespitosa,
Androsace cernuiflora,
Androsace chaixii,
Androsace chamaejasme,
Androsace ciliata,
Androsace ciliifolia,
Androsace constancei,
Androsace coronata,
Androsace cortusifolia,
Androsace croftii,
Androsace cuscutiformis,