Bromus armenus (also called Armenian Brome, among many other common names) is a species of grass native to Europe, Asia, and North Africa. It is an annual grass, growing to a height of 0.4-1.2 m. It prefers moist, sunny habitats, such as meadows, pastures, and roadsides.
Flower, Seeds and Seedlings
The flower of Bromus armenus is a small, greenish-white spikelet, with awns that are up to 1 cm long. The seed is a small, dark brown grain, and the seedling has a single, erect stem with two opposite leaves.
Cultivation and Propagation
Bromus armenus is a species of grass native to the Mediterranean region. It is a perennial grass, growing to a height of 0.3–1 m (1–3 ft). It prefers full sun and well-drained soils. Propagation is by seed, sowing in spring or autumn. The seed is best sown in situ, as it does not transplant well.