Citation Micro:
Pl. Vapinc. : 72 (1785)
WFO Identifier:
Common Names
- Argentea Plantain
- Argentea Plantago
- Plantago argentea
Plantago argentea (also called Silver Plantain, among many other common names) is a herbaceous plant native to Europe, Asia and North Africa. It grows in a variety of habitats, including grasslands, meadows and roadsides.
Uses & Benefits
Plantago argentea is used in traditional medicine to treat fever, inflammation, and skin conditions. It is also used as an ornamental plant in gardens.
Cultivars, Varieties & Sub-species
Plantago argentea sub. liburnica Ravnik
Plantago argentea sub. argentea
Flower, Seeds and Seedlings
The flower of Plantago argentea is a small, white, star-shaped flower. The seed is a small, black, oval-shaped seed. The seedlings are small, green, oval-shaped seedlings.
Cultivation and Propagation
Plantago argentea is a perennial plant that is native to Europe. It prefers full sun and well-drained soil. It is drought tolerant and can tolerate temperatures down to -5°C (23°F). It can be propagated from seed or cuttings. Seeds should be sown in spring or early summer in a well-drained soil. Cuttings should be taken in spring or summer and planted in a well-drained soil. It can also be propagated by division in spring or autumn.
Where to Find Plantago argentea
Plantago argentea is native to Europe, North Africa, and parts of Asia. It is also cultivated in gardens and is often found in disturbed areas.
Plantago argentea FAQ
What is the scientific name of Plantago argentea?
Plantago argentea
What is the common name of Plantago argentea?
Silver Plantain
What is the natural habitat of Plantago argentea?
Grasslands, roadsides, and disturbed areas
Species in the Plantago genus
Plantago unibracteata,
Plantago varia,
Plantago trichophora,
Plantago tunetana,
Plantago turficola,
Plantago turrifera,
Plantago tomentosa,
Plantago triandra,
Plantago akkensis,
Plantago afra,
Plantago albicans,
Plantago algarbiensis,
Plantago hispida,
Plantago indica,
Plantago incisa,
Plantago malato-belizii,
Plantago major,
Plantago maris-mortui,
Plantago maritima,
Plantago media,
Plantago mauritanica,
Plantago maxima,
Plantago laxiflora,
Plantago lanigera,
Plantago lanceolata,
Plantago leucophylla,
Plantago libyca,
Plantago loeflingii,
Plantago linearis,
Plantago litorea,
Plantago palustris,
Plantago palmata,
Plantago papuana,
Plantago paradoxa,
Plantago ovata,
Plantago podlechii,
Plantago polita,
Plantago popovii,
Plantago princeps,
Plantago phaeostoma,
Plantago picta,
Plantago multiscapa,
Plantago montisdicksonii,
Plantago moorei,
Plantago minuta,
Plantago mohnikei,
Plantago monosperma,
Plantago mixta,
Plantago notata,
Plantago obconica,
Species in the Plantaginaceae family
Acanthorrhinum ramosissimum,
Adenosma annamense,
Adenosma bracteosum,
Adenosma camphoratum,
Adenosma cordifolium,
Adenosma debilis,
Adenosma elsholtzioides,
Adenosma glutinosum,
Adenosma hirsutum,
Adenosma indianum,
Adenosma inopinatum,
Adenosma javanicum,
Adenosma macrophyllum,
Adenosma malabaricum,
Adenosma microcephalum,
Adenosma muelleri,
Adenosma nelsonioides,
Adenosma papuana,
Adenosma punctata,
Adenosma retusilobum,
Adenosma subrepens,
Adenosma ternata,
Adenosma thorelii,
Agathelpis adunca,
Agathelpis brevifolia,
Agathelpis mucronata,
Albraunia foveopilosa,
Albraunia fugax,
Albraunia psilosperma,
Anamaria heterophylla,
Anarrhinum bellidifolium,
Anarrhinum corsicum,
Anarrhinum duriminium,
Anarrhinum forsskaolii,
Anarrhinum fruticosum,
Anarrhinum intermedium,
Anarrhinum laxiflorum,
Anarrhinum longipedicellatum,
Anarrhinum orientale,
Anarrhinum pedatum,
Anarrhinum forskaohlii,
Ancistrostylis harmandii,
Angelonia acuminatissima,
Angelonia alternifolia,
Angelonia angustifolia,
Angelonia arguta,
Angelonia biflora,
Angelonia bisaccata,
Angelonia blanchetii,
Angelonia campestris,
POWO record for Govaerts R (ed.). 2023. WCVP: World Checklist of Vascular Plants [Version 11]. Facilitated by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. [WWW document] URL [accessed 20 April 2023].