




Citation Micro:
Monogr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 1: 237 (1935)

WFO Identifier:

Common Names

  • Penstemon oklahomensis
  • Oklahoma Penstemon
  • Oklahoma Beardtongue

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Penstemon oklahomensis (also called 'Oklahoma Beardtongue', among many other common names) is a perennial plant native to the western United States. It has narrow, linear leaves and small, white flowers. It is found in dry, rocky habitats.

Uses & Benefits

Penstemon oklahomensis is a popular ornamental plant, often used in gardens and flower beds. It has attractive yellow or orange flowers that bloom in the summer and attract pollinators. It is also used in landscaping, as it is drought-tolerant and can survive in a variety of soil conditions.

Flower, Seeds and Seedlings

Penstemon oklahomensis has bright pink flowers with white throats. The seeds are small and black, and the seedlings are small and spindly.

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Cultivation and Propagation

Penstemon oklahomensis is a perennial plant native to the western United States. It prefers full sun and well-drained soil. Propagation is done by seed or by division. The seeds should be sown in a warm, moist environment and kept moist until germination occurs.

Where to Find Penstemon oklahomensis

Penstemon oklahomensis can be found in Oklahoma and Texas.

Penstemon oklahomensis FAQ

What is the scientific name of Penstemon oklahomensis?

Penstemon oklahomensis

What is the common name of Penstemon oklahomensis?

Oklahoma Penstemon

What is the natural habitat of Penstemon oklahomensis?

Dry, rocky slopes in the western United States

Species in the Penstemon genus

Penstemon brevisepalus, Penstemon franklinii, Penstemon schaffneri, Penstemon saltarius, Penstemon moronensis, Penstemon inflatus, Penstemon pseudoparvus, Penstemon oklahomensis, Penstemon nitidus, Penstemon campanulatus, Penstemon tubiflorus, Penstemon vizcainensis, Penstemon vulcanellus, Penstemon gormanii, Penstemon gracilis, Penstemon gentianoides, Penstemon xylus, Penstemon superbus, Penstemon griffinii, Penstemon metcalfei, Penstemon wendtiorum, Penstemon dubius, Penstemon albidus, Penstemon ambiguus, Penstemon angustifolius, Penstemon auriberbis, Penstemon buckleyi, Penstemon clutei, Penstemon cobaea, Penstemon digitalis, Penstemon fendleri, Penstemon glaber, Penstemon haydenii, Penstemon jamesii, Penstemon laxiflorus, Penstemon pallidus, Penstemon procerus, Penstemon serrulatus, Penstemon tubaeflorus, Penstemon virens, Penstemon imberbis, Penstemon abietinus, Penstemon acaulis, Penstemon acuminatus, Penstemon alamosensis, Penstemon albertinus, Penstemon albomarginatus, Penstemon anguineus, Penstemon arenarius, Penstemon arenicola,

Species in the Plantaginaceae family

Acanthorrhinum ramosissimum, Adenosma annamense, Adenosma bracteosum, Adenosma camphoratum, Adenosma cordifolium, Adenosma debilis, Adenosma elsholtzioides, Adenosma glutinosum, Adenosma hirsutum, Adenosma indianum, Adenosma inopinatum, Adenosma javanicum, Adenosma macrophyllum, Adenosma malabaricum, Adenosma microcephalum, Adenosma muelleri, Adenosma nelsonioides, Adenosma papuana, Adenosma punctata, Adenosma retusilobum, Adenosma subrepens, Adenosma ternata, Adenosma thorelii, Agathelpis adunca, Agathelpis brevifolia, Agathelpis mucronata, Albraunia foveopilosa, Albraunia fugax, Albraunia psilosperma, Anamaria heterophylla, Anarrhinum bellidifolium, Anarrhinum corsicum, Anarrhinum duriminium, Anarrhinum forsskaolii, Anarrhinum fruticosum, Anarrhinum intermedium, Anarrhinum laxiflorum, Anarrhinum longipedicellatum, Anarrhinum orientale, Anarrhinum pedatum, Anarrhinum forskaohlii, Ancistrostylis harmandii, Angelonia acuminatissima, Angelonia alternifolia, Angelonia angustifolia, Angelonia arguta, Angelonia biflora, Angelonia bisaccata, Angelonia blanchetii, Angelonia campestris,


Francis W. Pennell (1886-1952): Based on occurrence of standard abbreviation 'Pennell' in the authors string.
POWO record for Govaerts R (ed.). 2023. WCVP: World Checklist of Vascular Plants [Version 11]. Facilitated by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. [WWW document] URL [accessed 20 April 2023].