

(L.) Mill.



Citation Micro:
Gard. Dict. 3. (1768)

WFO Identifier:

Common Names

  • Balsam Fir
  • Canadian Balsam Fir
  • Abies Balsamea

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Abies balsamea (also called 'Balsam Fir', among many other common names) is a tree that grows up to 25m tall. It is native to eastern North America and is found in coniferous forests. It has small, yellow-green flowers and long, narrow leaves.

Uses & Benefits

Abies balsamea is used as an ornamental plant in gardens and parks. It has a pleasant smell and is often used as a natural air freshener. It is also used in traditional medicine to treat various ailments.

Cultivars, Varieties & Sub-species

Abies balsamea var. phanerolepis Fernald

Flower, Seeds and Seedlings

The flower of Abies balsamea is a small, white, bell-shaped flower with a yellow center. The seed is a small, black, oval-shaped seed. The seedling is a small, green, oval-shaped seedling with a white center.

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Cultivation and Propagation

Abies balsamea is an evergreen tree that can be grown in full sun to partial shade. It prefers moist, well-drained soils, but is tolerant of a wide range of soils. Propagation is by seed or cuttings. Seeds should be sown in spring in a cold frame or in a pot in a cold frame. Cuttings should be taken in late spring or early summer and rooted in a cold frame.

Where to Find Abies balsamea

Abies balsamea can be found in the mountains of eastern North America.

Abies balsamea FAQ

What is the scientific name of Abies balsamea?

Abies balsamea

What is the common name of Abies balsamea?

Balsam Fir

What is the natural range of Abies balsamea?

Eastern North America

Species in the Abies genus

Species in the Pinaceae family

Abies alba, Abies amabilis, Abies balsamea, Abies beshanzuensis, Abies borisii-regis, Abies bracteata, Abies cephalonica, Abies chensiensis, Abies cilicica, Abies concolor, Abies delavayi, Abies densa, Abies durangensis, Abies fabri, Abies fanjingshanensis, Abies fargesii, Abies firma, Abies flinckii, Abies forrestii, Abies fraseri, Abies grandis, Abies guatemalensis, Abies hickelii, Abies hidalgensis, Abies holophylla, Abies homolepis, Abies kawakamii, Abies koreana, Abies lasiocarpa, Abies magnifica, Abies mariesii, Abies nebrodensis, Abies nephrolepis, Abies nordmanniana, Abies numidica, Abies pindrow, Abies pinsapo, Abies procera, Abies recurvata, Abies religiosa, Abies sachalinensis, Abies sibirica, Abies spectabilis, Abies squamata, Abies veitchii, Abies vejarii, Abies yuanbaoshanensis, Abies ziyuanensis, Abies jaliscana, Abies phanerolepis,


Carl Linnaeus (1707-1778): Based on occurrence of standard abbreviation 'L.' in the authors string.
Philip Miller (1691-1771): Based on occurrence of standard abbreviation 'Mill.' in the authors string.
Conifer TEN record for Abies balsamea (L.) Mill.: Placement according to April 2023 Classification