




Citation Micro:
Orchids (West Palm Beach) 75: 924 (2006)

WFO Identifier:

Common Names

  • Tuberolabium woodii
  • T. woodii
  • T. woodi

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Tuberolabium woodii (also called Wood's Tuberolabium, among many other common names) is an epiphytic orchid native to India. It has long, thin leaves and small yellow flowers. It grows in tropical and subtropical forests, as well as in disturbed areas.

Uses & Benefits

Tuberolabium woodii is used as an ornamental plant in gardens and as a houseplant. It is also used as an ingredient in herbal teas and as a medicinal plant.

Flower, Seeds and Seedlings

Tuberolabium woodii has small, yellow flowers that are arranged in clusters. The seeds are small, round and black. The seedlings have a rosette of leaves with a central stem.

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Cultivation and Propagation

Cultivation and propagation of Tuberolabium woodii requires a warm, humid climate with temperatures ranging from 18-30°C. Propagation is usually done through division of the rhizomes. Plant the rhizomes in a well-draining soil mix and water regularly.

Where to Find Tuberolabium woodii

Tuberolabium woodii is native to the tropical rainforests of Central and South America. It can be found in the wild in the countries of Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia.

Tuberolabium woodii FAQ

What is the scientific name of Tuberolabium woodii?

Tuberolabium woodii

What is the common name of Tuberolabium woodii?

Wood's Tuberolabium

What is the habitat of Tuberolabium woodii?

It is found in moist, shady places, such as in forests and along streams.

Species in the Orchidaceae family

Aa fiebrigii, Aa hartwegii, Aa hieronymi, Aa leucantha, Aa lorentzii, Aa macra, Aa achalensis, Aa maderoi, Aa mandonii, Aa matthewsii, Aa microtidis, Aa paleacea, Aa argyrolepis, Aa riobambae, Aa rosei, Aa schickendanzii, Aa sphaeroglossa, Aa trilobulata, Aa weddelliana, Aa aurantiaca, Aa calceata, Aa colombiana, Aa denticulata, Aa erosa, Aa figueroi, Aa lozanoi, Aa lehmannii, Acampe carinata, Acampe cephalotes, Acampe ochracea, Acampe pachyglossa, Acampe praemorsa, Acampe joiceyana, Acampe hulae, Acanthophippium bicolor, Acanthophippium chrysoglossum, Acanthophippium curtisii, Acanthophippium eburneum, Acanthophippium gougahense, Acanthophippium javanicum, Acanthophippium lilacinum, Acanthophippium mantinianum, Acanthophippium parviflorum, Acanthophippium pictum, Acanthophippium splendidum, Acanthophippium striatum, Acanthophippium sylhetense, Acanthophippium curtisii, Achlydosa glandulosa, Acianthera aculeata,


The Plant List v1.1 record kew-348793: Based on the initial data import
Timothy Charles Choltco: Based on occurrence of standard abbreviation 'Choltco' in the authors string.