




Citation Micro:
Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holland. : 317 (1810)

WFO Identifier:

Common Names

  • Strict Orthoceras
  • Strict Orthoceras Fern
  • Orthoceras Fern

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Orthoceras strictum (also called the Straight Orthoceras, among many other common names) is a species of orthocerid cephalopod, a type of extinct nautiloid. It is characterized by a long, straight shell with a pointed end. This species is native to Europe and was found in shallow marine environments.

Uses & Benefits

Orthoceras strictum is used as an ornamental plant in gardens and as a houseplant. It is also used in traditional medicine for treating various ailments.

Flower, Seeds and Seedlings

The flower of Orthoceras strictum is a white to cream-colored inflorescence with a yellow center. The seed is a small, round, black seed. The seedlings are small and have a single, long, thin stem with a few leaves.

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Cultivation and Propagation

Orthoceras strictum is a marine cephalopod species native to New Zealand. It prefers bright, indirect light and high humidity. Propagation is done by division or by seed. Seeds should be sown on a medium of sphagnum moss and kept in a warm, humid environment.

Where to Find Orthoceras strictum

Orthoceras strictum is native to the Mediterranean region.

Orthoceras strictum FAQ

What is the scientific name of Orthoceras strictum?

Orthoceras strictum

What is the natural habitat of Orthoceras strictum?

It is found in tropical and subtropical moist lowland forests.

What is the flowering season of Orthoceras strictum?

It flowers from April to July.

Species in the Orthoceras genus

Species in the Orchidaceae family

Aa fiebrigii, Aa hartwegii, Aa hieronymi, Aa leucantha, Aa lorentzii, Aa macra, Aa achalensis, Aa maderoi, Aa mandonii, Aa matthewsii, Aa microtidis, Aa paleacea, Aa argyrolepis, Aa riobambae, Aa rosei, Aa schickendanzii, Aa sphaeroglossa, Aa trilobulata, Aa weddelliana, Aa aurantiaca, Aa calceata, Aa colombiana, Aa denticulata, Aa erosa, Aa figueroi, Aa lozanoi, Aa lehmannii, Acampe carinata, Acampe cephalotes, Acampe ochracea, Acampe pachyglossa, Acampe praemorsa, Acampe joiceyana, Acampe hulae, Acanthophippium bicolor, Acanthophippium chrysoglossum, Acanthophippium curtisii, Acanthophippium eburneum, Acanthophippium gougahense, Acanthophippium javanicum, Acanthophippium lilacinum, Acanthophippium mantinianum, Acanthophippium parviflorum, Acanthophippium pictum, Acanthophippium splendidum, Acanthophippium striatum, Acanthophippium sylhetense, Acanthophippium curtisii, Achlydosa glandulosa, Acianthera aculeata,


The Plant List v1.1 record kew-144221: Based on the initial data import
Robert Brown (1773-1858): Based on occurrence of standard abbreviation 'R.Br.' in the authors string.