




Citation Micro:
Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg , sér. 2, 2: 4 (1911)

WFO Identifier:

Common Names

  • Glomera brevipetala
  • Brevipetala Glomera
  • Glomera brevipetala Plant

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Glomera brevipetala (also called Short-petalled Glomera, among many other common names) is a species of flowering plant in the Orchidaceae family. It is native to Southeast Asia, where it is found in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand. It grows in lowland forests, usually in areas with sandy soils.

Uses & Benefits

Glomera brevipetala is used as an ornamental plant in gardens and as a houseplant. Its beautiful foliage and bright flowers make it a great addition to any garden or home. It is also used as a medicinal plant to treat various ailments such as fever, headaches, and stomachaches.

Flower, Seeds and Seedlings

Flower of Glomera brevipetala is yellow in colour and has 5 petals. The seed is small and round. The seedlings are small and have a single stem.

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Cultivation and Propagation

Glomera brevipetala can be propagated from seed or cuttings. Seeds should be sown in a well-drained potting mix and kept moist. Cuttings should be taken from semi-hardwood and placed in a well-drained potting mix. Keep the potting mix moist and in a warm, bright location.

Where to Find Glomera brevipetala

Glomera brevipetala can be found in tropical rainforests in Australia, New Guinea, and the Solomon Islands.

Species in the Glomera genus

Glomera myrtillus, Glomera sepalosiphon, Glomera pseudomonanthos, Glomera mayuensis, Glomera acicularis, Glomera acuminata, Glomera acutiflora, Glomera adenocarpa, Glomera affinis, Glomera albiviridis, Glomera amboinensis, Glomera angiensis, Glomera asperata, Glomera aurea, Glomera bambusiformis, Glomera bismarckiensis, Glomera bougainvilleana, Glomera brachychaete, Glomera brevipetala, Glomera calocephala, Glomera carnea, Glomera carolinensis, Glomera celebica, Glomera compressa, Glomera confusa, Glomera conglutinata, Glomera cyatheicola, Glomera dekockii, Glomera dentifera, Glomera dependens, Glomera diosmoides, Glomera dischorensis, Glomera distichifolia, Glomera dubia, Glomera elegantula, Glomera emarginata, Glomera ericifolia, Glomera erythrosma, Glomera flaccida, Glomera flammula, Glomera fransseniana, Glomera fruticula, Glomera fruticulosa, Glomera fusca, Glomera gamosepalata, Glomera geelvinkensis, Glomera glomeroides, Glomera goliathensis, Glomera gracilis, Glomera graminifolia,

Species in the Orchidaceae family

Aa fiebrigii, Aa hartwegii, Aa hieronymi, Aa leucantha, Aa lorentzii, Aa macra, Aa achalensis, Aa maderoi, Aa mandonii, Aa matthewsii, Aa microtidis, Aa paleacea, Aa argyrolepis, Aa riobambae, Aa rosei, Aa schickendanzii, Aa sphaeroglossa, Aa trilobulata, Aa weddelliana, Aa aurantiaca, Aa calceata, Aa colombiana, Aa denticulata, Aa erosa, Aa figueroi, Aa lozanoi, Aa lehmannii, Acampe carinata, Acampe cephalotes, Acampe ochracea, Acampe pachyglossa, Acampe praemorsa, Acampe joiceyana, Acampe hulae, Acanthophippium bicolor, Acanthophippium chrysoglossum, Acanthophippium curtisii, Acanthophippium eburneum, Acanthophippium gougahense, Acanthophippium javanicum, Acanthophippium lilacinum, Acanthophippium mantinianum, Acanthophippium parviflorum, Acanthophippium pictum, Acanthophippium splendidum, Acanthophippium striatum, Acanthophippium sylhetense, Acanthophippium curtisii, Achlydosa glandulosa, Acianthera aculeata,
