

J.J.Verm. & P.O'Byrne



Citation Micro:
Gard. Bull. Singapore 55: 158 (2003)

WFO Identifier:

Common Names

  • Bulbophyllum Turpe
  • Turpe Orchid
  • Turpe Bulbophyllum

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Bulbophyllum turpe (also called Turpentine Bulbophyllum, among many other common names) is a small epiphytic orchid with thin, wiry stems and small, yellowish-green flowers. It is native to tropical and subtropical regions of Asia and is found in moist forests and grasslands. It is also cultivated as an ornamental plant.

Uses & Benefits

Bulbophyllum turpe is used as an ornamental plant in gardens and as a natural insect repellent. It is also used in traditional medicine to treat fever, cough, and other respiratory ailments.

Flower, Seeds and Seedlings

The flower of Bulbophyllum turpe is small and yellow, with a white lip. The seed is round and black. The seedlings are small and yellow.

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Cultivation and Propagation

Bulbophyllum turpe is an epiphytic orchid that grows in partial shade. It can be propagated by division or seed. Division should be done in spring or autumn. The plants should be divided into clumps of 3-4 shoots and replanted in a well-drained soil mix. Seeds should be sown in spring or early summer in a well-drained soil mix.

Where to Find Bulbophyllum turpe

Bulbophyllum turpe is native to tropical forests in India, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh.

Bulbophyllum turpe FAQ

What is the scientific name of Bulbophyllum turpe?

Bulbophyllum turpe

What is the common name of Bulbophyllum turpe?

Turpe Bulbophyllum

What is the natural habitat of Bulbophyllum turpe?

Tropical rainforests of Southeast Asia

Species in the Bulbophyllum genus

Bulbophyllum ambatoavense, Bulbophyllum anakbaruppui, Bulbophyllum anisopterum, Bulbophyllum apoense, Bulbophyllum arianeae, Bulbophyllum atrosanguineum, Bulbophyllum auriculatum, Bulbophyllum boudetianum, Bulbophyllum catillus, Bulbophyllum clipeibulbum, Bulbophyllum comberipictum, Bulbophyllum coweniorum, Bulbophyllum danii, Bulbophyllum debrincatiae, Bulbophyllum decurrentilobum, Bulbophyllum filifolium, Bulbophyllum flabellum-veneris, Bulbophyllum foetidilabrum, Bulbophyllum furcatum, Bulbophyllum furcillatum, Bulbophyllum globulosum, Bulbophyllum grotianum, Bulbophyllum ialibuense, Bulbophyllum illecebrum, Bulbophyllum incisilabrum, Bulbophyllum iterans, Bulbophyllum janus, Bulbophyllum labatii, Bulbophyllum lanuginosum, Bulbophyllum lyriforme, Bulbophyllum mystax, Bulbophyllum ochthodes, Bulbophyllum orezii, Bulbophyllum pilosum, Bulbophyllum praetervisum, Bulbophyllum pseudopelma, Bulbophyllum ramulicola, Bulbophyllum reductum, Bulbophyllum rosemarianum, Bulbophyllum scaphiforme, Bulbophyllum simplex, Bulbophyllum sinapis, Bulbophyllum sororculum, Bulbophyllum stenurum, Bulbophyllum subpatulum, Bulbophyllum tectipes, Bulbophyllum trichorhachis, Bulbophyllum tubilabrum, Bulbophyllum turpe, Bulbophyllum uncinatum,

Species in the Orchidaceae family

Aa fiebrigii, Aa hartwegii, Aa hieronymi, Aa leucantha, Aa lorentzii, Aa macra, Aa achalensis, Aa maderoi, Aa mandonii, Aa matthewsii, Aa microtidis, Aa paleacea, Aa argyrolepis, Aa riobambae, Aa rosei, Aa schickendanzii, Aa sphaeroglossa, Aa trilobulata, Aa weddelliana, Aa aurantiaca, Aa calceata, Aa colombiana, Aa denticulata, Aa erosa, Aa figueroi, Aa lozanoi, Aa lehmannii, Acampe carinata, Acampe cephalotes, Acampe ochracea, Acampe pachyglossa, Acampe praemorsa, Acampe joiceyana, Acampe hulae, Acanthophippium bicolor, Acanthophippium chrysoglossum, Acanthophippium curtisii, Acanthophippium eburneum, Acanthophippium gougahense, Acanthophippium javanicum, Acanthophippium lilacinum, Acanthophippium mantinianum, Acanthophippium parviflorum, Acanthophippium pictum, Acanthophippium splendidum, Acanthophippium striatum, Acanthophippium sylhetense, Acanthophippium curtisii, Achlydosa glandulosa, Acianthera aculeata,


The Plant List v1.1 record kew-222260: Based on the initial data import
Peter O'Byrne (b.1955): Based on occurrence of standard abbreviation 'P.O'Byrne' in the authors string.
Jaap J. Vermeulen (b.1955): Based on occurrence of standard abbreviation 'J.J.Verm.' in the authors string.