

Authors: Jesus, Xim.Bols. & Chiron



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Richardiana 13: 296. 2013 [28 Aug 2013] [epublished]

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Anathallis edmeiae (also called Edmee's Anathallis, among many other common names) is a perennial herbaceous plant native to South America. It has a slender stem and long, thin leaves. It grows in grasslands, meadows, and open woodlands.

Uses & Benefits

Anathallis edmeiae is an ornamental plant used in gardens and as a houseplant. It is also known to have antifungal and antibacterial properties, making it a useful plant for treating skin conditions.

Flower, Seeds and Seedlings

Anathallis edmeiae has small, white flowers with a sweet scent. Its seeds are small and round, and its seedlings are small and delicate.

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Cultivation and Propagation

Anathallis edmeiae is an epiphytic orchid that is easy to cultivate and propagate. It prefers moist, well-drained soil and partial to full shade. It can be propagated by division and seed. It is drought tolerant and requires minimal maintenance.

Where to Find Anathallis edmeiae

Anathallis edmeiae can be found in Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, and Venezuela.

Anathallis edmeiae FAQ

What is the natural habitat of Anathallis edmeiae?

Anathallis edmeiae is native to tropical rainforests in Central and South America.

What is the typical size of Anathallis edmeiae?

Anathallis edmeiae typically grows to be about 2-4 inches in height.

What is the best temperature for Anathallis edmeiae?

Anathallis edmeiae prefers temperatures between 65-85°F (18-29°C).

Species in the Anathallis genus

Anathallis abbreviata, Anathallis acuminata, Anathallis adenochila, Anathallis anderssonii, Anathallis angustilabia, Anathallis ariasii, Anathallis attenuata, Anathallis barbulata, Anathallis bleyensis, Anathallis brevipes, Anathallis carnosifolia, Anathallis casualis, Anathallis ciliolata, Anathallis clandestina, Anathallis comayaguensis, Anathallis concinna, Anathallis coripatae, Anathallis corticicola, Anathallis cuspidata, Anathallis dalessandroi, Anathallis dimidia, Anathallis dolichopus, Anathallis dryadum, Anathallis endresii, Anathallis ferdinandiana, Anathallis fernandiana, Anathallis flammea, Anathallis gehrtii, Anathallis gert-hatschbachii, Anathallis githaginea, Anathallis gracilenta, Anathallis greenwoodii, Anathallis guarujaensis, Anathallis haberi, Anathallis helmutii, Anathallis imbricata, Anathallis involuta, Anathallis iota, Anathallis jesupiorum, Anathallis jordanensis, Anathallis kautskyi, Anathallis lagarophyta, Anathallis lewisiae, Anathallis linearifolia, Anathallis maguirei, Anathallis malmeana, Anathallis mediocarinata, Anathallis megaloophora, Anathallis meridana, Anathallis microblephara,

Species in the Orchidaceae family

Aa fiebrigii, Aa hartwegii, Aa hieronymi, Aa leucantha, Aa lorentzii, Aa macra, Aa achalensis, Aa maderoi, Aa mandonii, Aa matthewsii, Aa microtidis, Aa paleacea, Aa argyrolepis, Aa riobambae, Aa rosei, Aa schickendanzii, Aa sphaeroglossa, Aa trilobulata, Aa weddelliana, Aa aurantiaca, Aa calceata, Aa colombiana, Aa denticulata, Aa erosa, Aa figueroi, Aa lozanoi, Aa lehmannii, Acampe carinata, Acampe cephalotes, Acampe ochracea, Acampe pachyglossa, Acampe praemorsa, Acampe joiceyana, Acampe hulae, Acanthophippium bicolor, Acanthophippium chrysoglossum, Acanthophippium curtisii, Acanthophippium eburneum, Acanthophippium gougahense, Acanthophippium javanicum, Acanthophippium lilacinum, Acanthophippium mantinianum, Acanthophippium parviflorum, Acanthophippium pictum, Acanthophippium splendidum, Acanthophippium striatum, Acanthophippium sylhetense, Acanthophippium curtisii, Achlydosa glandulosa, Acianthera aculeata,


Guy R. Chiron (b.1944): Based on occurrence of standard abbreviation 'Chiron' in the authors string.
Renato Ximenes Bolsanello: Based on occurrence of standard abbreviation 'Xim.Bols.' in the authors string.
Francisco José de Jesus: Based on occurrence of standard abbreviation ' Jesus' in the authors string.