

(Zahlbr.) Gilg



Citation Micro:
Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 30: 71 (1901)

WFO Identifier:

Common Names

  • Schrebera americana
  • Americana Schrebera
  • Schrebera Americana

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Schrebera americana (also called American Schrebera, among many other common names) is a deciduous shrub or small tree with a rounded crown and an upright habit. It is native to China and is found in open woodlands and scrub. It has fragrant, white flowers in spring and dark green foliage in summer.

Uses & Benefits

Schrebera americana is used as an ornamental plant in gardens and parks, and as a windbreak. It is also used for timber, fuel, and fodder.

Flower, Seeds and Seedlings

The flower of Schrebera americana is a small, fragrant, white or pinkish-white bloom with four petals. The seed is a small, dark brown nutlet. The seedlings are small, dark green, and have a single stem.

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Cultivation and Propagation

Schrebera americana is an evergreen shrub that can reach up to 3m in height. It prefers full sun and well-drained soil. Propagation is usually done by cuttings or by layering. Cuttings should be taken in late spring or early summer and should be kept moist until they have rooted. Layering can be done by bending a branch down to the ground and covering it with soil. The branch should be left in place until it has rooted, at which point it can be cut away from the parent plant.

Where to Find Schrebera americana

Schrebera americana is native to Central and South America and can be found in dry, open woodlands and scrublands. It is also widely cultivated as an ornamental plant.

Schrebera americana FAQ

What is the scientific name of Schrebera americana?

Schrebera americana

What is the common name of Schrebera americana?

American Schrebera

What is the natural habitat of Schrebera americana?

Mountain slopes and valleys in China

Species in the Schrebera genus

Species in the Oleaceae family

Abeliophyllum distichum, Cartrema floridana, Cartrema scortechinii, Cartrema sumatrana, Cartrema americana, Chionanthus greenii, Chionanthus colonchensis, Chionanthus macrothyrsus, Chionanthus acunae, Chionanthus adamsii, Chionanthus albidiflorus, Chionanthus amblirrhinus, Chionanthus avilensis, Chionanthus axillaris, Chionanthus axilliflorus, Chionanthus bakeri, Chionanthus balgooyanus, Chionanthus beccarii, Chionanthus brachystachys, Chionanthus brassii, Chionanthus bumelioides, Chionanthus callophylloides, Chionanthus callophyllus, Chionanthus caudifolius, Chionanthus caymanensis, Chionanthus celebicus, Chionanthus clementis, Chionanthus compactus, Chionanthus cordulatus, Chionanthus coriaceus, Chionanthus crassifolius, Chionanthus crispus, Chionanthus curvicarpus, Chionanthus cuspidatus, Chionanthus decipiens, Chionanthus densiflorus, Chionanthus dictyophyllus, Chionanthus diversifolius, Chionanthus domingensis, Chionanthus dussii, Chionanthus ellipticus, Chionanthus enervis, Chionanthus eriorachis, Chionanthus evenius, Chionanthus ferrugineus, Chionanthus filiformis, Chionanthus fluminensis, Chionanthus gigas, Chionanthus globosus, Chionanthus glomeratus,


Ernst Friedrich Gilg (1867-1933): Based on occurrence of standard abbreviation 'Gilg' in the authors string.
POWO record for Govaerts R (ed.). 2023. WCVP: World Checklist of Vascular Plants [Version 11]. Facilitated by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. [WWW document] URL [accessed 20 April 2023].