




Citation Micro:
Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1919: 226 (1919)

WFO Identifier:

Common Names

  • Yellow Memecylon
  • Yellow Mistletoe
  • Yellow Velvetberry

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Memecylon flavescens (also called Yellow Memecylon, among many other common names) is a small evergreen shrub, growing up to 3 meters tall. It is native to India, Sri Lanka, and the Andaman Islands. It is found in tropical and subtropical moist lowland forests.

Uses & Benefits

Memecylon flavescens is used as an ornamental plant, as a hedge or screen, and as a windbreak. It is also used in traditional medicine for treating fever, malaria, and other ailments.

Flower, Seeds and Seedlings

The flower of Memecylon flavescens is a small, white flower with five petals. The seed is a small, black, oblong seed. The seedlings are small and have a single stem with small, oval-shaped leaves.

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Cultivation and Propagation

Memecylon flavescens is a shrub that can be propagated by seed or cuttings. It prefers full sun and moist, well-drained soil. It can be propagated by taking semi-hardwood cuttings in late summer or early fall. The cuttings should be planted in a moist, well-drained soil and kept moist until they are established.

Where to Find Memecylon flavescens

Memecylon flavescens is found in the tropical rainforest of India, Sri Lanka, and Myanmar.

Memecylon flavescens FAQ

What is the scientific name of Memecylon flavescens?

Memecylon flavescens

What is the common name of Memecylon flavescens?

Yellowish Memecylon

What is the natural habitat of Memecylon flavescens?

Tropical rainforests

Species in the Memecylon genus

Memecylon talbotianum, Memecylon manickamii, Memecylon sivadasanii, Memecylon gopalanii, Memecylon acrocarpum, Memecylon acuminatissimum, Memecylon acuminatum, Memecylon amherstianum, Memecylon andamanicum, Memecylon azurinii, Memecylon basilanense, Memecylon borneense, Memecylon brachybotrys, Memecylon bracteolatum, Memecylon calderense, Memecylon campanulatum, Memecylon cantleyi, Memecylon caudatum, Memecylon celebicum, Memecylon ceramense, Memecylon cerasiforme, Memecylon chevalieri, Memecylon cinereum, Memecylon clarkeanum, Memecylon conocarpum, Memecylon constrictum, Memecylon cordifolium, Memecylon corticosum, Memecylon crassifolium, Memecylon cuneatum, Memecylon dallmannense, Memecylon discolor, Memecylon durum, Memecylon elaeagni, Memecylon elegans, Memecylon ellipticum, Memecylon elliptifolium, Memecylon elongatum, Memecylon flavescens, Memecylon floridum, Memecylon fruticosum, Memecylon fuscescens, Memecylon garcinioides, Memecylon geddesianum, Memecylon geoffrayi, Memecylon gibbosum, Memecylon giganteum, Memecylon gracile, Memecylon gracilipes, Memecylon gracillimum,

Species in the Melastomataceae family

Acanthella sprucei, Acanthella pulchra, Acanthella conferta, Aciotis polystachya, Aciotis purpurascens, Aciotis acuminifolia, Aciotis annua, Aciotis rubricaulis, Aciotis cordata, Aciotis indecora, Aciotis paludosa, Aciotis circaeoides, Aciotis ornata, Aciotis circaeifolia, Aciotis wurdackiana, Aciotis olivieriana, Aciotis ferreirana, Aciotis viscida, Aciotis pendulifolia, Aciotis brachybotria, Acisanthera pulchella, Acisanthera quadrata, Acisanthera boliviensis, Acisanthera variabilis, Acisanthera uniflora, Acisanthera alsinaefolia, Acisanthera paraguayensis, Acisanthera alata, Acisanthera hedyotoidea, Acisanthera glazioviana, Acisanthera quadrata, Acisanthera ayangannae, Acisanthera divaricata, Adelobotrys ciliatus, Adelobotrys atlanticus, Adelobotrys adscendens, Adelobotrys barbatus, Adelobotrys ciliata, Adelobotrys macrophylla, Adelobotrys praetexta, Adelobotrys tessmannii, Adelobotrys boissieriana, Adelobotrys fuscescens, Adelobotrys macrantha, Adelobotrys rotundifolius, Adelobotrys subsessilis, Adelobotrys jefensis, Adelobotrys linearifolia, Adelobotrys ayangannensis, Adelobotrys scandens,