




Citation Micro:
Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 92: 80 (2004)

WFO Identifier:

Common Names

  • Rhodostemonodaphne longipetiolata
  • Long-petioled Rhodostemonodaphne
  • Long-petioled Rhododendron

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Rhodostemonodaphne longipetiolata (also called Long-petioled Rhodostemonodaphne, among many other common names) is an evergreen shrub that grows to a height of about 2 m. It is native to the southeastern United States and is found in moist habitats such as wet meadows, swamps, and along streams.

Uses & Benefits

Rhodostemonodaphne longipetiolata is used as an ornamental plant and for its medicinal properties. It is also used in traditional medicine to treat a variety of ailments, including fever, colds, and digestive problems.

Flower, Seeds and Seedlings

The flower of Rhodostemonodaphne longipetiolata is small and white. The seed is small and round. The seedlings are thin and long with a white or yellowish color.

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Cultivation and Propagation

Rhodostemonodaphne longipetiolata can be propagated by seed or cuttings. Seeds should be sown in a well-drained soil mix and kept moist. Cuttings should be taken in spring or summer and rooted in a suitable soil mix.

Where to Find Rhodostemonodaphne longipetiolata

Rhodostemonodaphne longipetiolata is native to India and can be found in wetland habitats.

Rhodostemonodaphne longipetiolata FAQ

What is the scientific name of Rhodostemonodaphne longipetiolata?

Rhodostemonodaphne longipetiolata

What type of plant is Rhodostemonodaphne longipetiolata?

Evergreen shrub

What is the natural habitat of Rhodostemonodaphne longipetiolata?

Tropical rainforests

Species in the Rhodostemonodaphne genus

Rhodostemonodaphne celiana, Rhodostemonodaphne kunthiana, Rhodostemonodaphne parvifolia, Rhodostemonodaphne recurva, Rhodostemonodaphne steyermarkiana, Rhodostemonodaphne ovatifolia, Rhodostemonodaphne macrocalyx, Rhodostemonodaphne longipetiolata, Rhodostemonodaphne frontinensis, Rhodostemonodaphne curicuriariensis, Rhodostemonodaphne praeclara, Rhodostemonodaphne avilensis, Rhodostemonodaphne antioquensis, Rhodostemonodaphne cyclops, Rhodostemonodaphne penduliflora, Rhodostemonodaphne anomala, Rhodostemonodaphne laxa, Rhodostemonodaphne dioica, Rhodostemonodaphne grandis, Rhodostemonodaphne miranda, Rhodostemonodaphne mirecolorata, Rhodostemonodaphne synandra, Rhodostemonodaphne capixabensis, Rhodostemonodaphne elephantopus, Rhodostemonodaphne leptoclada, Rhodostemonodaphne morii, Rhodostemonodaphne revolutifolia, Rhodostemonodaphne rufovirgata, Rhodostemonodaphne scandens, Rhodostemonodaphne sordida, Rhodostemonodaphne napoensis, Rhodostemonodaphne tumucumaquensis, Rhodostemonodaphne crenaticupula, Rhodostemonodaphne licanioides, Rhodostemonodaphne peneia, Rhodostemonodaphne negrensis, Rhodostemonodaphne debilis, Rhodostemonodaphne juruensis, Rhodostemonodaphne velutina, Rhodostemonodaphne longiflora, Rhodostemonodaphne saulensis,

Species in the Lauraceae family

Actinodaphne acuminata, Actinodaphne albifrons, Actinodaphne amabilis, Actinodaphne ambigua, Actinodaphne archboldiana, Actinodaphne areolata, Actinodaphne bicolor, Actinodaphne borneensis, Actinodaphne bourdillonii, Actinodaphne bourneae, Actinodaphne brassii, Actinodaphne caesia, Actinodaphne campanulata, Actinodaphne candolleana, Actinodaphne celebica, Actinodaphne cinerea, Actinodaphne concinna, Actinodaphne concolor, Actinodaphne corymbosa, Actinodaphne crassa, Actinodaphne cupularis, Actinodaphne diversifolia, Actinodaphne dolichophylla, Actinodaphne elegans, Actinodaphne ellipticibacca, Actinodaphne engleriana, Actinodaphne ferruginea, Actinodaphne forrestii, Actinodaphne fragilis, Actinodaphne fuliginosa, Actinodaphne furfuracea, Actinodaphne glabra, Actinodaphne glauca, Actinodaphne glaucina, Actinodaphne glomerata, Actinodaphne gracilis, Actinodaphne henryi, Actinodaphne hirsuta, Actinodaphne hypoleucophylla, Actinodaphne javanica, Actinodaphne johorensis, Actinodaphne kinabaluensis, Actinodaphne koshepangii, Actinodaphne kostermansii, Actinodaphne kweichowensis, Actinodaphne lanata, Actinodaphne lanceolata, Actinodaphne latifolia, Actinodaphne lawsonii, Actinodaphne lecomtei,