




Citation Micro:
Reinwardtia 7: 295 (1968)

WFO Identifier:

Common Names

  • Heart-leaved Cinnamon
  • Cinnamon Bark
  • Ceylon Cinnamon

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Cinnamomum cordatum (also called Heart-leaved Cinnamon, among many other common names) is a small evergreen tree native to Southeast Asia. It grows to a height of 0.3-0.6 m (1-2 ft) and has small, heart-shaped leaves. It is found in woodlands, coniferous forests, and rocky areas.

Uses & Benefits

Cinnamomum cordatum is used in traditional Chinese medicine for its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. It is also used as an ornamental plant in gardens and parks.

Flower, Seeds and Seedlings

Cinnamomum cordatum has small, white flowers that are fragrant and grow in clusters. The seeds are small and black and the seedlings are small and delicate.

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Cultivation and Propagation

Cinnamomum cordatum is a small evergreen tree that can reach up to 10 m in height. It prefers full sun and well-drained soil. Propagation is usually done by seed, but can also be done by cuttings. Seeds should be sown in spring or summer, and cuttings should be taken in the spring or summer.

Where to Find Cinnamomum cordatum

Cinnamomum cordatum is native to India and can be found in tropical and subtropical forests.

Cinnamomum cordatum FAQ

What are the ideal growing conditions for Cinnamomum cordatum?

Cinnamomum cordatum prefers full sun to partial shade and well-drained, moist soil.

What is the average height of Cinnamomum cordatum?

Cinnamomum cordatum typically grows to a height of 10-15 feet.

What is the average lifespan of Cinnamomum cordatum?

Cinnamomum cordatum can live up to 20 years.

Species in the Cinnamomum genus

Cinnamomum bhamoensis, Cinnamomum bhaskarii, Cinnamomum bishnupadae, Cinnamomum blandfordii, Cinnamomum champokianum, Cinnamomum lohitensis, Cinnamomum sanjappae, Cinnamomum suvrae, Cinnamomum alibertii, Cinnamomum altissimum, Cinnamomum anacardium, Cinnamomum andersonii, Cinnamomum angustifolium, Cinnamomum angustitepalum, Cinnamomum appelianum, Cinnamomum archboldianum, Cinnamomum arfakense, Cinnamomum assamicum, Cinnamomum aubletii, Cinnamomum aureofulvum, Cinnamomum austro-sinensis, Cinnamomum austro-yunnanense, Cinnamomum baileyanum, Cinnamomum balansae, Cinnamomum bamoense, Cinnamomum beccarii, Cinnamomum bejolghota, Cinnamomum birmanicum, Cinnamomum blumei, Cinnamomum bodinieri, Cinnamomum bonii, Cinnamomum brachythyrsum, Cinnamomum bractifoliaceum, Cinnamomum burmanni, Cinnamomum calciphilum, Cinnamomum calleryi, Cinnamomum cambodianum, Cinnamomum camphora, Cinnamomum capparu-coronde, Cinnamomum carrierii, Cinnamomum caryophyllus, Cinnamomum cebuense, Cinnamomum celebicum, Cinnamomum chantinii, Cinnamomum chartophyllum, Cinnamomum chemungianum, Cinnamomum citriodorum, Cinnamomum clemensii, Cinnamomum contractum, Cinnamomum cordatum,

Species in the Lauraceae family

Actinodaphne acuminata, Actinodaphne albifrons, Actinodaphne amabilis, Actinodaphne ambigua, Actinodaphne archboldiana, Actinodaphne areolata, Actinodaphne bicolor, Actinodaphne borneensis, Actinodaphne bourdillonii, Actinodaphne bourneae, Actinodaphne brassii, Actinodaphne caesia, Actinodaphne campanulata, Actinodaphne candolleana, Actinodaphne celebica, Actinodaphne cinerea, Actinodaphne concinna, Actinodaphne concolor, Actinodaphne corymbosa, Actinodaphne crassa, Actinodaphne cupularis, Actinodaphne diversifolia, Actinodaphne dolichophylla, Actinodaphne elegans, Actinodaphne ellipticibacca, Actinodaphne engleriana, Actinodaphne ferruginea, Actinodaphne forrestii, Actinodaphne fragilis, Actinodaphne fuliginosa, Actinodaphne furfuracea, Actinodaphne glabra, Actinodaphne glauca, Actinodaphne glaucina, Actinodaphne glomerata, Actinodaphne gracilis, Actinodaphne henryi, Actinodaphne hirsuta, Actinodaphne hypoleucophylla, Actinodaphne javanica, Actinodaphne johorensis, Actinodaphne kinabaluensis, Actinodaphne koshepangii, Actinodaphne kostermansii, Actinodaphne kweichowensis, Actinodaphne lanata, Actinodaphne lanceolata, Actinodaphne latifolia, Actinodaphne lawsonii, Actinodaphne lecomtei,