

(Craib) Backer



Citation Micro:
Geill. Handb. Jav. Theeonkr.: 153 (1924)

WFO Identifier:

Common Names

  • Hose's Vigna
  • Hose's Cowpea
  • Hose's Field Pea

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  • Dolichos hosei Craib [valid]
  • Vigna parkeri acutifoliola Verdc. [valid]
  • Vigna parkeri maranguensis (Taub. ex Engl.) Verdc. [unknown]
  • Vigna oligosperma Backer [unknown]
  • Vigna hosei hosei [unknown]
  • Vigna hosei pubescens Maréchal, Mascherpa & Stainier [unknown]


Vigna hosei (also called Hose's Vigna, among many other common names) is a shrub that grows up to 2m tall. It is native to Australia, found in the south-east of New South Wales and is common in open forest and woodland. It has small, oval-shaped leaves and yellow flowers.

Uses & Benefits

Vigna hosei is used as an ornamental plant in gardens and parks. It is also used for erosion control and as a source of nectar for bees.

Flower, Seeds and Seedlings

Vigna hosei has small, yellow flowers with five petals and a long, thin style. The seeds are small, dark brown and oval-shaped. The seedlings are small, with two oval-shaped cotyledons and a single pair of true leaves.

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Cultivation and Propagation

Vigna hosei is a fast-growing, drought-tolerant, annual vine that can reach a height of up to 3 m. It can be propagated from seed. Seeds should be sown in a well-drained soil mix and kept moist until germination. The plant prefers full sun and can tolerate a wide range of soil types.

Where to Find Vigna hosei

Vigna hosei is native to Australia and can be found in open woodlands in the eastern and southern parts of the country.

Vigna hosei FAQ

What is the common name of Pultenaea pauciflora?

Few-flowered Bush-pea

What is the natural habitat of Pultenaea pauciflora?

Dry sclerophyll forests and woodlands

What are the flower characteristics of Pultenaea pauciflora?

The flowers are yellow and have five petals

Species in the Vigna genus

Vigna lasiocarpa, Vigna halophila, Vigna nyangensis, Vigna radiata, Vigna marina, Vigna glabrescens, Vigna aconitifolia, Vigna ambacensis, Vigna pubigera, Vigna angularis, Vigna antunesii, Vigna bequaertii, Vigna comosa, Vigna debanensis, Vigna lanceolata, Vigna dolomitica, Vigna filicaulis, Vigna fischeri, Vigna friesiorum, Vigna frutescens, Vigna gazensis, Vigna gracilis, Vigna haumaniana, Vigna heterophylla, Vigna hosei, Vigna jaegeri, Vigna juncea, Vigna juruana, Vigna kirkii, Vigna laurentii, Vigna lobatifolia, Vigna longifolia, Vigna longissima, Vigna luteola, Vigna membranacea, Vigna mendesii, Vigna mildbraedii, Vigna monophylla, Vigna multinervis, Vigna mungo, Vigna nervosa, Vigna nigritia, Vigna nuda, Vigna oblongifolia, Vigna parkeri, Vigna phoenix, Vigna platyloba, Vigna procera, Vigna pygmaea, Vigna radicans,

Species in the Fabaceae family


William Grant Craib (1882-1933): Based on occurrence of standard abbreviation 'Craib' in the authors string.
Cornelis Andries Backer (1874-1963): Based on occurrence of standard abbreviation 'Backer' in the authors string.