De Wild.
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Common Names
- Eriosema Manikense
- Manik Eriosema
- Manik Wild Indigo
Eriosema manikense (also called Manik Eriosema, among many other common names) is a perennial herbaceous plant native to tropical Africa, growing in grasslands and woodlands. It has a woody stem, and its leaves are ovate, with a pointed tip. It has yellow flowers with five petals.
Uses & Benefits
Eriosema manikense has been used in traditional medicine to treat fever, headache, and stomachache. It is also used as an insect repellent and to treat skin diseases.
Flower, Seeds and Seedlings
The flower of Eriosema manikense is white or pinkish with a yellow center. The seed is a small, black, round seed with a hard outer coating. The seedlings are small and have a single, oval-shaped leaf.
Cultivation and Propagation
Eriosema manikense can be propagated by seed or cuttings. For seed propagation, sow the seeds in a well-drained potting mix and keep the soil moist. For cuttings, take semi-ripe stem cuttings in summer and root them in a potting mix. Keep the soil moist and provide bright indirect light.
Where to Find Eriosema manikense
Eriosema manikense can be found in tropical and subtropical regions of Africa, Asia, and the Americas.
Eriosema manikense FAQ
What is the scientific name of Eriosema manikense?
Eriosema manikense
What is the common name of Eriosema manikense?
Manikense Eriosema
What is the natural habitat of Eriosema manikense?
Eriosema manikense is native to tropical Africa
Species in the Eriosema genus
Eriosema brevipes,
Eriosema crassicaule,
Eriosema irwinii,
Eriosema longicalyx,
Eriosema brachyrhachis,
Eriosema cupreum,
Eriosema glaziovii,
Eriosema hasslerianum,
Eriosema laxiflorum,
Eriosema multiflorum,
Eriosema palmeri,
Eriosema stenophyllum,
Eriosema tacuaremboense,
Eriosema benthamianum,
Eriosema campestre,
Eriosema congestum,
Eriosema crinitum,
Eriosema defoliatum,
Eriosema diffusum,
Eriosema floribundum,
Eriosema grandiflorum,
Eriosema heterophyllum,
Eriosema longiflorum,
Eriosema longifolium,
Eriosema obovatum,
Eriosema platycarpon,
Eriosema prorepens,
Eriosema pulchellum,
Eriosema pycnanthum,
Eriosema riedelii,
Eriosema rigidum,
Eriosema rufum,
Eriosema simplicifolium,
Eriosema strictum,
Eriosema venulosum,
Eriosema violaceum,
Eriosema glabrum,
Eriosema chinense,
Eriosema boelckei,
Eriosema acuminatum,
Eriosema adamaouense,
Eriosema adami,
Eriosema adamii,
Eriosema affinis,
Eriosema afzelii,
Eriosema albogriseum,
Eriosema andohii,
Eriosema pauciflorum,
Eriosema angolense,
Eriosema flemingioides,
Species in the Fabaceae family