




Citation Micro:
Diagn. Pl. Nov. Mexic.: 8 (1878)

WFO Identifier:

Common Names

  • Brazilian Rosewood
  • Rio Rosewood
  • Vernonia Wood

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  • Machaerium retusum (Hemsl.) Boivin ex Baill. [valid]
  • Amerimnon retusum Standl. [valid]


Dalbergia retusa (also called Cocobolo, among many other common names) is a medium-sized tree with a straight trunk and a rounded crown. It is native to Central America and is found in tropical rainforests, dry forests, and seasonally flooded forests.

Uses & Benefits

Dalbergia retusa is used as an ornamental plant in gardens and parks. It is also used as a source of timber for furniture and other woodworking projects. The wood is highly valued for its strength and durability.

Cultivars, Varieties & Sub-species

Dalbergia retusa var. retusa
Dalbergia retusa var. cuscatlanica (Standl.) Rudd
Dalbergia retusa var. hypoleuca (Pittier) Rudd

Flower, Seeds and Seedlings

The flowers of Dalbergia retusa are small, white and fragrant. The seeds are small, black and round. The seedlings are small and have a single stem.

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Cultivation and Propagation

Dalbergia retusa is a medium-sized tree native to tropical Africa. It is widely cultivated as an ornamental tree in tropical and subtropical regions. Propagation is by seed, which should be sown in a well-drained soil mix and kept moist. Germination usually takes place within a few weeks.

Where to Find Dalbergia retusa

Dalbergia retusa is native to tropical regions of Africa, including Angola, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Gabon, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, and Uganda.

Dalbergia retusa FAQ

What is the common name of Dalbergia retusa?

Retuse rosewood

What is the natural habitat of Dalbergia retusa?

It is native to the Atlantic rainforest in Brazil

What is the wood of Dalbergia retusa used for?

The wood is used for furniture, musical instruments, and decorative items

Species in the Dalbergia genus

Dalbergia simpsonii, Dalbergia acuta, Dalbergia calderonii, Dalbergia calycina, Dalbergia catingicola, Dalbergia cearensis, Dalbergia chontalensis, Dalbergia congestiflora, Dalbergia debilis, Dalbergia enneaphylla, Dalbergia ernest-ulei, Dalbergia frutescens, Dalbergia glabra, Dalbergia glandulosa, Dalbergia glaziovii, Dalbergia glomerata, Dalbergia gracilis, Dalbergia granadillo, Dalbergia hiemalis, Dalbergia inundata, Dalbergia iquitosensis, Dalbergia lateriflora, Dalbergia melanocardium, Dalbergia monophylla, Dalbergia nitida, Dalbergia retusa, Dalbergia sampaioana, Dalbergia stevensonii, Dalbergia subcymosa, Dalbergia tucurensis, Dalbergia foliolosa, Dalbergia glaucescens, Dalbergia miscolobium, Dalbergia nigra, Dalbergia riparia, Dalbergia villosa, Dalbergia acariaeantha, Dalbergia acutifoliolata, Dalbergia adamii, Dalbergia afzeliana, Dalbergia ajudana, Dalbergia albiflora, Dalbergia altissima, Dalbergia arbutifolia, Dalbergia boehmii, Dalbergia cibix, Dalbergia tabascana, Dalbergia obovata, Dalbergia bracteolata, Dalbergia carringtoniana,

Species in the Fabaceae family