




Citation Micro:
Arch. Jard. Bot. Rio de Janeiro iii. 108 (1922). (as siqueiraei)

WFO Identifier:

Common Names

  • Siqueiraei Bauhinia
  • Purple Orchid Tree
  • Mountain Ebony

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Bauhinia siqueiraei (also called Siqueira's Orchid Tree, among many other common names) is a deciduous tree native to tropical regions of South America. It grows up to 10 meters tall and has yellow flowers with a purple center. It prefers moist, well-drained soils in full sun to partial shade.

Uses & Benefits

Bauhinia siqueiraei is used as an ornamental plant in gardens and parks. It has a beautiful, bright yellow flower that blooms in the spring and summer months. It is also used as a medicinal plant, as its leaves and flowers have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.

Flower, Seeds and Seedlings

The flower of Bauhinia siqueiraei is a bright pink, five-petaled bloom with yellow stamens. The seed is a flat, brown, oval-shaped pod. The seedlings are small, green, and have two leaves.

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Cultivation and Propagation

Bauhinia siqueiraei is a small tree or shrub that grows up to 4 m (13 ft) tall. It can be propagated from seed or cuttings. Seeds should be sown in a well-drained, sandy soil mix and kept moist until germination. Cuttings should be taken from semi-hardwood stems and rooted in a moist, sandy soil mix. It prefers full sun and is drought tolerant once established.

Where to Find Bauhinia siqueiraei

Bauhinia siqueiraei is native to Brazil and can be found in the cerrado savannas of the Amazon basin.

Bauhinia siqueiraei FAQ

What is the scientific name of Bauhinia siqueiraei?

Bauhinia siqueiraei

What is the common name of Bauhinia siqueiraei?

Siqueira's Bauhinia

What is the natural habitat of Bauhinia siqueiraei?

Dry open woods and thickets

Species in the Bauhinia genus

Bauhinia acreana, Bauhinia anomala, Bauhinia argentinensis, Bauhinia aureopunctata, Bauhinia bauhinioides, Bauhinia beguinotii, Bauhinia bombaciflora, Bauhinia brachycalyx, Bauhinia calliandroides, Bauhinia caloneura, Bauhinia campestris, Bauhinia catingae, Bauhinia conwayi, Bauhinia cookii, Bauhinia coulteri, Bauhinia dimorphophylla, Bauhinia dipetala, Bauhinia estrellensis, Bauhinia glaziovii, Bauhinia goyazensis, Bauhinia hagenbeckii, Bauhinia humilis, Bauhinia jucunda, Bauhinia kleiniana, Bauhinia leptantha, Bauhinia longipedicellata, Bauhinia macranthera, Bauhinia malacotricha, Bauhinia pansamalana, Bauhinia parviloba, Bauhinia pringlei, Bauhinia ramosissima, Bauhinia rubeleruziana, Bauhinia seleriana, Bauhinia seminarioi, Bauhinia siqueiraei, Bauhinia subrotundifolia, Bauhinia vespertillo, Bauhinia weberbaueri, Bauhinia erythrocalyx, Bauhinia eucosma, Bauhinia retifolia, Bauhinia acuruana, Bauhinia anatomica, Bauhinia andrieuxii, Bauhinia bicolor, Bauhinia brevipes, Bauhinia burchellii, Bauhinia cheilantha, Bauhinia cinnamomea,

Species in the Fabaceae family


The Plant List v1.1 record ild-10387: Based on the initial data import
Adolpho Ducke (1876-1959): Based on occurrence of standard abbreviation 'Ducke' in the authors string.