

Fiaschi & Amorim

Flora do Brasil 2020 (JBRJ)


Citation Micro:
Brittonia 64: 154 (2012)

WFO Identifier:

Common Names

  • Stephanopodium gracile
  • Gracile Stephanopodium
  • Gracile Fern

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Stephanopodium gracile (also called Graceful Stephanopodium, among many other common names) is a species of flowering plant in the family Rubiaceae. It is native to Brazil. It grows in wet forests, and is found in the Atlantic Forest.

Uses & Benefits

Stephanopodium gracile is a popular ornamental plant that is often used as a houseplant. It has attractive foliage and can be used to bring a touch of greenery to any space. It is also known to be a good air purifier, as it can help to remove toxins from the air.

Flower, Seeds and Seedlings

Stephanopodium gracile has small, yellow flowers with five petals. The seeds are small and black. The seedlings have small, oval leaves.

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Cultivation and Propagation

Stephanopodium gracile can be propagated by division or by seeds. When propagating by division, the plant should be divided into several smaller pieces, each with at least one leaf and one stem. The pieces should then be planted in moist, well-draining soil. When propagating by seeds, the seeds should be sown on moist, well-draining soil. The soil should be kept moist but not wet. The seeds should germinate within a few weeks.

Where to Find Stephanopodium gracile

Stephanopodium gracile can be found in the tropical forests of Central and South America.

Stephanopodium gracile FAQ

What is the common name of Stephanopodium gracile?

Gracile stephanopodium

What is the growth habit of Stephanopodium gracile?

It is a small herbaceous plant.

What is the flower color of Stephanopodium gracile?

The flowers are yellow.

Species in the Dichapetalaceae family

Dichapetalum neglectum, Dichapetalum acuminatum, Dichapetalum affine, Dichapetalum alaotrense, Dichapetalum albidum, Dichapetalum altescandens, Dichapetalum angolense, Dichapetalum arachnoideum, Dichapetalum arenarium, Dichapetalum asplundeanum, Dichapetalum axillare, Dichapetalum bangii, Dichapetalum barbatum, Dichapetalum barbosae, Dichapetalum barteri, Dichapetalum beilschmiedioides, Dichapetalum bellum, Dichapetalum berendinae, Dichapetalum bernalii, Dichapetalum bocageanum, Dichapetalum bodyi, Dichapetalum bojeri, Dichapetalum braunii, Dichapetalum brenesii, Dichapetalum bullatum, Dichapetalum chalotii, Dichapetalum chlorinum, Dichapetalum choristilum, Dichapetalum coelhoi, Dichapetalum congoense, Dichapetalum crassifolium, Dichapetalum cymosum, Dichapetalum cymulosum, Dichapetalum deflexum, Dichapetalum dewevrei, Dichapetalum dewildei, Dichapetalum dictyospermum, Dichapetalum discolor, Dichapetalum donnell-smithii, Dichapetalum edule, Dichapetalum eickii, Dichapetalum fadenii, Dichapetalum filicaule, Dichapetalum findouense, Dichapetalum foreroi, Dichapetalum froesii, Dichapetalum fructuosum, Dichapetalum gabonense, Dichapetalum gassitae, Dichapetalum gelonioides,


André M. Amorim (b.1966): Based on occurrence of standard abbreviation 'Amorim' in the authors string.
Pedro Fiaschi (b.1976): Based on occurrence of standard abbreviation 'Fiaschi' in the authors string.