

(Becc.) Boerl.



Citation Micro:
Handl. Fl. Ned. Ind. 1: 199 (1890)

WFO Identifier:

Common Names

  • Papuan False-petal
  • False-petal
  • Dichapetalum papuanum

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  • Pentastira nitida Ridl. [unknown]
  • Pentastira flava Ridl. [unknown]
  • Chailletia papuana Becc. [unknown]
  • Dichapetalum australianum C.T.White [unknown]
  • Dichapetalum glabratum K.Krause [unknown]
  • Dichapetalum moluccanum Merr. [unknown]
  • Dichapetalum pullei K.Krause [unknown]


Dichapetalum papuanum (also called 'Papuan Dichapetalum', among many other common names) is a shrub or small tree native to tropical regions of Africa, Asia, and the Pacific Islands. It has leathery leaves and small, fragrant flowers. It grows in humid forests and on tree trunks.

Uses & Benefits

Dichapetalum papuanum has been used in traditional medicine to treat fever, headaches, and stomachaches. It is also used as an ornamental plant in gardens.

Flower, Seeds and Seedlings

Flower of Dichapetalum papuanum is yellow, with a white center. The seed is small, dark brown in color, and has a smooth, glossy surface. The seedlings are small and have a light green color.

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Cultivation and Propagation

Dichapetalum papuanum can be propagated by seed or cuttings. Seeds should be sown in spring or summer in a well-drained, sandy soil mix. Cuttings should be taken in spring or summer and rooted in a sandy soil mix. The plant prefers a warm, humid environment and should be kept in partial shade. Water regularly and fertilize every two weeks during the growing season.

Where to Find Dichapetalum papuanum

Dichapetalum papuanum is native to tropical and subtropical regions of Asia and the Pacific.

Dichapetalum papuanum FAQ

What is the scientific name of Dichapetalum papuanum?

Dichapetalum papuanum

What is the common name of Dichapetalum papuanum?

Papuan Dichapetalum

What is the natural habitat of Dichapetalum papuanum?

It is found in tropical rainforests of Papua New Guinea

Species in the Dichapetalum genus

Dichapetalum neglectum, Dichapetalum acuminatum, Dichapetalum affine, Dichapetalum alaotrense, Dichapetalum albidum, Dichapetalum altescandens, Dichapetalum angolense, Dichapetalum arachnoideum, Dichapetalum arenarium, Dichapetalum asplundeanum, Dichapetalum axillare, Dichapetalum bangii, Dichapetalum barbatum, Dichapetalum barbosae, Dichapetalum barteri, Dichapetalum beilschmiedioides, Dichapetalum bellum, Dichapetalum berendinae, Dichapetalum bernalii, Dichapetalum bocageanum, Dichapetalum bodyi, Dichapetalum bojeri, Dichapetalum braunii, Dichapetalum brenesii, Dichapetalum bullatum, Dichapetalum chalotii, Dichapetalum chlorinum, Dichapetalum choristilum, Dichapetalum coelhoi, Dichapetalum congoense, Dichapetalum crassifolium, Dichapetalum cymosum, Dichapetalum cymulosum, Dichapetalum deflexum, Dichapetalum dewevrei, Dichapetalum dewildei, Dichapetalum dictyospermum, Dichapetalum discolor, Dichapetalum donnell-smithii, Dichapetalum edule, Dichapetalum eickii, Dichapetalum fadenii, Dichapetalum filicaule, Dichapetalum findouense, Dichapetalum foreroi, Dichapetalum froesii, Dichapetalum fructuosum, Dichapetalum gabonense, Dichapetalum gassitae, Dichapetalum gelonioides,

Species in the Dichapetalaceae family

Dichapetalum neglectum, Dichapetalum acuminatum, Dichapetalum affine, Dichapetalum alaotrense, Dichapetalum albidum, Dichapetalum altescandens, Dichapetalum angolense, Dichapetalum arachnoideum, Dichapetalum arenarium, Dichapetalum asplundeanum, Dichapetalum axillare, Dichapetalum bangii, Dichapetalum barbatum, Dichapetalum barbosae, Dichapetalum barteri, Dichapetalum beilschmiedioides, Dichapetalum bellum, Dichapetalum berendinae, Dichapetalum bernalii, Dichapetalum bocageanum, Dichapetalum bodyi, Dichapetalum bojeri, Dichapetalum braunii, Dichapetalum brenesii, Dichapetalum bullatum, Dichapetalum chalotii, Dichapetalum chlorinum, Dichapetalum choristilum, Dichapetalum coelhoi, Dichapetalum congoense, Dichapetalum crassifolium, Dichapetalum cymosum, Dichapetalum cymulosum, Dichapetalum deflexum, Dichapetalum dewevrei, Dichapetalum dewildei, Dichapetalum dictyospermum, Dichapetalum discolor, Dichapetalum donnell-smithii, Dichapetalum edule, Dichapetalum eickii, Dichapetalum fadenii, Dichapetalum filicaule, Dichapetalum findouense, Dichapetalum foreroi, Dichapetalum froesii, Dichapetalum fructuosum, Dichapetalum gabonense, Dichapetalum gassitae, Dichapetalum gelonioides,


The Plant List v1.1 record kew-2766010: Based on the initial data import
Odoardo Beccari (1843-1920): Based on occurrence of standard abbreviation 'Becc.' in the authors string.
Jacob Gijsbert Boerlage (1849-1900): Based on occurrence of standard abbreviation 'Boerl.' in the authors string.