




Citation Micro:
Ann. Transvaal Mus. 15: 261 (1933)

WFO Identifier:

Common Names

  • Momordica Repens
  • Creeping Momordica
  • Repens Momordica

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Momordica repens (also called Creeping Momordica, among many other common names) is an annual herb of the Cucurbitaceae family native to the Caribbean islands. It has small, green leaves and white flowers. It is found in moist, shady areas, such as along riverbanks and in rainforests.

Uses & Benefits

Momordica repens is used as an ornamental plant in gardens and as a food source. The fruits are edible and can be used in salads, sauces, and jams.

Flower, Seeds and Seedlings

The flower of Momordica repens is yellow and trumpet-shaped with five petals. The seed is small and round with a dark brown color. The seedlings are small and have a single stem with two small leaves.

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Cultivation and Propagation

Momordica repens can be propagated by seed or stem cuttings. It prefers full sun and well-drained soil. Water regularly and fertilize monthly during the growing season. Prune regularly to encourage bushy growth.

Where to Find Momordica repens

Momordica repens is native to tropical Africa. It can be found in moist, shady areas.

Momordica repens FAQ

What is the scientific name of Momordica repens?

Momordica repens

What are the common names of Momordica repens?

Cucumber Fruit, Snake Gourd

What is the growth habit of Momordica repens?

It is a climbing vine with tendrils

Species in the Momordica genus

Momordica subangulata, Momordica welwitschii, Momordica angolensis, Momordica angustisepala, Momordica cochinchinensis, Momordica cissoides, Momordica cordata, Momordica clarkeana, Momordica cabraei, Momordica balsamina, Momordica charantia, Momordica camerounensis, Momordica parvifolia, Momordica multiflora, Momordica obtusisepala, Momordica rumphii, Momordica silvatica, Momordica racemiflora, Momordica enneaphylla, Momordica foetida, Momordica denudata, Momordica dissecta, Momordica denticulata, Momordica macrosperma, Momordica jeffreyana, Momordica humilis, Momordica sahyadrica, Momordica argillicola, Momordica mossambica, Momordica littorea, Momordica henriquesii, Momordica corymbifera, Momordica cymbalaria, Momordica dioica, Momordica trifoliolata, Momordica boivinii, Momordica cardiospermoides, Momordica kirkii, Momordica repens, Momordica gilgiana, Momordica pterocarpa, Momordica friesiorum, Momordica anigosantha, Momordica spinosa, Momordica leiocarpa, Momordica glabra, Momordica sessilifolia, Momordica peteri, Momordica rostrata, Momordica calantha,

Species in the Cucurbitaceae family

Abobra tenuifolia, Acanthosicyos horridus, Actinostemma lobatum, Actinostemma parvifolium, Actinostemma tenerum, Alsomitra macrocarpa, Ampelosicyos humblotii, Ampelosicyos major, Ampelosicyos meridionalis, Ampelosicyos scandens, Ampelosicyos bosseri, Ampelosicyos leandrii, Ampelosycios meridionalis, Ampelosycios scandens, Apodanthera anatuyana, Apodanthera argentea, Apodanthera aspera, Apodanthera biflora, Apodanthera bradei, Apodanthera cinerea, Apodanthera eriocalyx, Apodanthera fasciculata, Apodanthera ferreyrana, Apodanthera glaziovii, Apodanthera hindii, Apodanthera hirtella, Apodanthera laciniosa, Apodanthera linearis, Apodanthera mandonii, Apodanthera mathewsii, Apodanthera palmeri, Apodanthera sagittifolia, Apodanthera smilacifolia, Apodanthera succulenta, Apodanthera tumbeziana, Apodanthera ulei, Apodanthera undulata, Apodanthera villosa, Apodanthera weberbaueri, Apodanthera longipedicellata, Austrobryonia argillicola, Austrobryonia centralis, Austrobryonia micrantha, Austrobryonia pilbarensis, Baijiania borneensis, Baijiania taiwaniana, Baijiania decipiens, Baijiania smitinandii, Bambekea racemosa, Bayabusua clarkei,