




Citation Micro:
Nat. Pflanzenfam. ed. 2 , 18a: 473 (1930)

WFO Identifier:

Common Names

  • Excelsa Echeveria
  • Tall Echeveria
  • High Echeveria

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Echeveria excelsa (also called Tall Echeveria, among many other common names) is a succulent plant with rosettes of fleshy, pointed, green leaves with white-green edges. It is native to Mexico and Guatemala and is typically found in rocky, dry areas.

Uses & Benefits

Echeveria excelsa is used as an ornamental plant in gardens and as a houseplant. It is also used to make herbal teas and medicines.

Flower, Seeds and Seedlings

Echeveria excelsa has yellow or pink flowers that are bell-shaped. The seeds are small and black, and the seedlings are small and green.

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Cultivation and Propagation

Echeveria excelsa can be propagated from stem cuttings. To propagate, take a stem from the plant and allow it to dry for a few days. Once the stem has dried, place it in a potting mix and lightly press it into the soil. Water the soil and keep it moist until the stem has rooted. Once the stem has rooted, it can be transplanted into a larger pot.

Where to Find Echeveria excelsa

Echeveria excelsa can be found in Mexico.

Echeveria excelsa FAQ

What is the best soil for Echeveria excelsa?

Echeveria excelsa prefers well-draining soil with a pH of 6-7.

What is the best temperature for Echeveria excelsa?

Echeveria excelsa prefers temperatures between 65-75°F (18-24°C).

How much light does Echeveria excelsa need?

Echeveria excelsa needs bright, indirect light.

Species in the Echeveria genus

Echeveria lyonsii, Echeveria patriotica, Echeveria acutifolia, Echeveria affinis, Echeveria agavoides, Echeveria alata, Echeveria alpina, Echeveria amoena, Echeveria amphoralis, Echeveria andicola, Echeveria angustifolia, Echeveria atropurpurea, Echeveria australis, Echeveria bakeri, Echeveria ballsii, Echeveria bella, Echeveria bicolor, Echeveria bifida, Echeveria bifurcata, Echeveria calderoniae, Echeveria calycosa, Echeveria canaliculata, Echeveria cante, Echeveria carminea, Echeveria carnicolor, Echeveria chapalensis, Echeveria chazaroi, Echeveria chiapensis, Echeveria chiclensis, Echeveria chihuahuaensis, Echeveria chilonensis, Echeveria coccinea, Echeveria colorata, Echeveria cornuta, Echeveria craigiana, Echeveria crassicaulis, Echeveria crenulata, Echeveria cuencaensis, Echeveria cuspidata, Echeveria cuspidata, Echeveria dactylifera, Echeveria decumbens, Echeveria derenbergii, Echeveria desmetiana, Echeveria difractens, Echeveria elatior, Echeveria elegans, Echeveria erubescens, Echeveria eurychlamys, Echeveria excelsa,

Species in the Crassulaceae family

Adromischus alstonii, Adromischus bicolor, Adromischus caryophyllaceus, Adromischus cooperi, Adromischus cristatus, Adromischus diabolicus, Adromischus fallax, Adromischus filicaulis, Adromischus hemisphericus, Adromischus humilis, Adromischus inamoenus, Adromischus leucophyllus, Adromischus liebenbergii, Adromischus maculatus, Adromischus mammillaris, Adromischus marianae, Adromischus maximus, Adromischus montium-klinghardtii, Adromischus nanus, Adromischus phillipsiae, Adromischus roaneanus, Adromischus schuldtianus, Adromischus sphenophyllus, Adromischus subdistichus, Adromischus subviridis, Adromischus triflorus, Adromischus trigynus, Adromischus umbraticola, Adromischus coleorum, Adromischus cooperi, Adromischus montium-klinghardtii, Adromischus triflorus, Aeonium loartei, Aeonium uhlii, Aeonium aguajilvense, Aeonium aizoon, Aeonium anagense, Aeonium anagensis, Aeonium appendiculatum, Aeonium arboreum, Aeonium aureum, Aeonium balsamiferum, Aeonium barbatum, Aeonium beltranii, Aeonium bollei, Aeonium burchardii, Aeonium canariense, Aeonium castellodecorum, Aeonium castello-paivae, Aeonium ciliatum,


The Plant List v1.1 record kew-2781143: Based on the initial data import
Alwin Berger (1871-1931): Based on occurrence of standard abbreviation 'A.Berger' in the authors string.