

Kosterm. ex P.F.Stevens



Citation Micro:
J. Arnold Arbor. 61: 250 (1980)

WFO Identifier:

Common Names

  • Calophyllum austroindicum
  • Southern Indian Calophyllum
  • Southern Indian-wood

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Calophyllum austroindicum (also called 'Southern Indian Calophyllum', among many other common names) is a species of flowering plant in the Calophyllaceae family. It is native to India, Sri Lanka, and Southeast Asia. It is found in moist, tropical forests, and is often found in disturbed areas such as roadsides and abandoned fields.

Uses & Benefits

Calophyllum austroindicum is used in traditional Chinese medicine for treating a variety of ailments, including fever, headache, and abdominal pain. It is also used as an ornamental plant in gardens.

Flower, Seeds and Seedlings

The flowers of Calophyllum austroindicum are small, white and star-shaped, with five petals. The seeds are small and black, and the seedlings are small and have a light green color.

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Cultivation and Propagation

Calophyllum austroindicum is a tropical tree that grows best in full sun and moist, well-drained soil. It can be propagated by seed or cuttings. Seeds should be sown in a warm, moist environment and kept moist until germination occurs. Cuttings should be taken from semi-ripe wood and rooted in a moist, well-draining medium.

Where to Find Calophyllum austroindicum

Calophyllum austroindicum is native to tropical regions of Southeast Asia, including India, Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines.

Calophyllum austroindicum FAQ

What is the scientific name of Calophyllum austroindicum?

Calophyllum austroindicum

What is the common name of Calophyllum austroindicum?

Austroindicum Calophyllum

What is the family of Calophyllum austroindicum?


Species in the Calophyllum genus

Calophyllum acidus, Calophyllum acutiputamen, Calophyllum aerarium, Calophyllum alboramulum, Calophyllum amblyphyllum, Calophyllum andersonii, Calophyllum angulare, Calophyllum apetalum, Calophyllum archipelagi, Calophyllum ardens, Calophyllum articulatum, Calophyllum aurantiacum, Calophyllum aureobrunnescens, Calophyllum aureum, Calophyllum austroindicum, Calophyllum balansae, Calophyllum banyengii, Calophyllum bicolor, Calophyllum biflorum, Calophyllum bifurcatum, Calophyllum blancoi, Calophyllum brachyphyllum, Calophyllum bracteatum, Calophyllum brasiliense, Calophyllum brassii, Calophyllum calaba, Calophyllum calcicola, Calophyllum caledonicum, Calophyllum canum, Calophyllum carrii, Calophyllum castaneum, Calophyllum caudatum, Calophyllum celebicum, Calophyllum cerasiferum, Calophyllum ceriferum, Calophyllum chapelieri, Calophyllum clemensiorum, Calophyllum collinum, Calophyllum comorense, Calophyllum complanatum, Calophyllum confertum, Calophyllum confusum, Calophyllum cordato-oblongum, Calophyllum coriaceum, Calophyllum costatum, Calophyllum costulatum, Calophyllum cucullatum, Calophyllum cuneifolium, Calophyllum dasypodium, Calophyllum depressinervosum,

Species in the Calophyllaceae family

Calophyllum acidus, Calophyllum acutiputamen, Calophyllum aerarium, Calophyllum alboramulum, Calophyllum amblyphyllum, Calophyllum andersonii, Calophyllum angulare, Calophyllum apetalum, Calophyllum archipelagi, Calophyllum ardens, Calophyllum articulatum, Calophyllum aurantiacum, Calophyllum aureobrunnescens, Calophyllum aureum, Calophyllum austroindicum, Calophyllum balansae, Calophyllum banyengii, Calophyllum bicolor, Calophyllum biflorum, Calophyllum bifurcatum, Calophyllum blancoi, Calophyllum brachyphyllum, Calophyllum bracteatum, Calophyllum brasiliense, Calophyllum brassii, Calophyllum calaba, Calophyllum calcicola, Calophyllum caledonicum, Calophyllum canum, Calophyllum carrii, Calophyllum castaneum, Calophyllum caudatum, Calophyllum celebicum, Calophyllum cerasiferum, Calophyllum ceriferum, Calophyllum chapelieri, Calophyllum clemensiorum, Calophyllum collinum, Calophyllum comorense, Calophyllum complanatum, Calophyllum confertum, Calophyllum confusum, Calophyllum cordato-oblongum, Calophyllum coriaceum, Calophyllum costatum, Calophyllum costulatum, Calophyllum cucullatum, Calophyllum cuneifolium, Calophyllum dasypodium, Calophyllum depressinervosum,


The Plant List v1.1 record kew-2693214: Based on the initial data import
André Joseph Guillaume Henri Kostermans (1906-1994): Based on occurrence of standard abbreviation 'Kosterm.' in the authors string.
Peter F. Stevens (b.1944): Based on occurrence of standard abbreviation 'P.F.Stevens' in the authors string.