

Triana & Planch.



Citation Micro:
Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot. , sér. 5, 14: 303 (1872)

WFO Identifier:

Common Names

  • Bursera Graveolens
  • Graveolens Bursera
  • Bursera

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  • Amyris caranifera Willd. ex Engl. [unknown]
  • Amyris graveolens Spreng. [unknown]
  • Amyris pubescens Willd. ex Schltdl. [unknown]
  • Bursera anderssonii B.L.Rob. [unknown]
  • Bursera graveolens pubescens Engl. [unknown]
  • Bursera graveolens villosula Cuatrec. [unknown]
  • Bursera pubescens (Schltdl.) Standl. [unknown]
  • Bursera tatamaco Triana & Planch. [unknown]
  • Elaphrium graveolens Kunth [unknown]
  • Elaphrium pubescens Schltdl. [unknown]
  • Elaphrium tatamaco Tul. [unknown]
  • Spondias edmonstonei Hook.f. [unknown]
  • Terebinthus graveolens Rose [unknown]
  • Bursera graveolens graveolens [unknown]
  • Terebinthus pubescens Rose [unknown]
  • Elaphrium tacamaco Tul. [unknown]


Bursera graveolens (also called Elephant Tree, among many other common names) is a species of flowering plant in the Burseraceae family. It is native to the Sonoran Desert, Chihuahuan Desert, and the Baja California Peninsula. It is found in a variety of habitats, from dry, rocky slopes to sandy washes.

Uses & Benefits

Bursera graveolens is used for its essential oils, which are used in perfumes and cosmetics. The bark is used to make a tea that is said to have medicinal properties, and the leaves are used to make a tea that is said to have a calming effect. It is also used for its wood, which is used to make furniture and other wood products.

Cultivars, Varieties & Sub-species

Bursera graveolens sub. malacophylla (B.L.Rob.) A.Weeks & Tye

Flower, Seeds and Seedlings

Bursera graveolens has small, yellow flowers, and its seeds are small and black. The seedlings are small and delicate.

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Cultivation and Propagation

Cultivation and propagation of Bursera graveolens: This species is propagated by seed. Seeds should be sown in a well-drained soil mix and kept moist. The seedlings should be kept in a warm, humid environment until they are established. Once established, the plants should be grown in a sunny location and watered regularly.

Where to Find Bursera graveolens

Bursera graveolens can be found in Mexico, Guatemala, and Belize.

Bursera graveolens FAQ

What is the scientific name of Bursera graveolens?

Bursera graveolens

What is the common name of Bursera graveolens?

Elephant Tree

What is the natural habitat of Bursera graveolens?

Bursera graveolens is native to the Sonoran Desert in the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico.

Species in the Bursera genus

Bursera roseana, Bursera silviae, Bursera toledoana, Bursera altijuga, Bursera amplifolia, Bursera angustata, Bursera aptera, Bursera arida, Bursera ariensis, Bursera aromatica, Bursera aspleniifolia, Bursera attenuata, Bursera bicolor, Bursera biflora, Bursera bipinnata, Bursera bolivarii, Bursera bonetii, Bursera brunea, Bursera cerasifolia, Bursera chemapodicta, Bursera cinerea, Bursera citronella, Bursera collina, Bursera confusa, Bursera copallifera, Bursera coyucensis, Bursera crenata, Bursera cuneata, Bursera denticulata, Bursera discolor, Bursera diversifolia, Bursera dubia, Bursera epinnata, Bursera esparzae, Bursera excelsa, Bursera fagaroides, Bursera filicifolia, Bursera fragilis, Bursera fragrantissima, Bursera frenningiae, Bursera galeottiana, Bursera glabra, Bursera glabrifolia, Bursera glauca, Bursera gracilipes, Bursera grandifolia, Bursera graveolens, Bursera heliae, Bursera heteresthes, Bursera heterophylla,

Species in the Burseraceae family

Ambilobea madagascariensis, Aucoumea klaineana, Beiselia mexicana, Boswellia globosa, Boswellia ameero, Boswellia bullata, Boswellia carteri, Boswellia dalzielii, Boswellia dioscoridis, Boswellia elongata, Boswellia frereana, Boswellia microphylla, Boswellia nana, Boswellia neglecta, Boswellia ogadensis, Boswellia ovalifoliolata, Boswellia papyrifera, Boswellia pirottae, Boswellia popoviana, Boswellia rivae, Boswellia sacra, Boswellia serrata, Boswellia socotrana, Bursera roseana, Bursera silviae, Bursera toledoana, Bursera altijuga, Bursera amplifolia, Bursera angustata, Bursera aptera, Bursera arida, Bursera ariensis, Bursera aromatica, Bursera aspleniifolia, Bursera attenuata, Bursera bicolor, Bursera biflora, Bursera bipinnata, Bursera bolivarii, Bursera bonetii, Bursera brunea, Bursera cerasifolia, Bursera chemapodicta, Bursera cinerea, Bursera citronella, Bursera collina, Bursera confusa, Bursera copallifera, Bursera coyucensis, Bursera crenata,


The Plant List v1.1 record kew-2687541: Based on the initial data import
José Jerónimo Triana (1828-1890): Based on occurrence of standard abbreviation 'Triana' in the authors string.
Jules Émile Planchon (1823-1888): Based on occurrence of standard abbreviation 'Planch.' in the authors string.