

(J.F.Gmel.) R.M.King & H.Rob.



Citation Micro:
Phytologia 25: 66 (1972)

WFO Identifier:

Common Names

  • Ophryosporus peruvianus
  • Peruvian Ophryosporus
  • Peruvian Bristle-fern

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  • Flaveria peruviana Juss. [unknown]
  • Piqueria peruviana (J.F.Gmel.) B.L.Rob. [unknown]
  • Piqueria artemisioides Kunth [unknown]


Ophryosporus peruvianus (also called Peruvian Ophryosporus, among many other common names) is an annual herbaceous plant that grows up to 0.5 meters in height. It has small, yellow flowers and lance-shaped leaves. It is native to South America and is found in grasslands, woodlands, and disturbed areas.

Uses & Benefits

Ophryosporus peruvianus is a medicinal plant that is used to treat a variety of ailments such as fever, colds, and digestive problems. It is also used as an ornamental plant in gardens and parks.

Flower, Seeds and Seedlings

The flower of Ophryosporus peruvianus is a small, white, daisy-like flower with a yellow center. The seed is a small, black, oval-shaped seed. The seedlings are small, green, and have a single, long, thin stem.

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Cultivation and Propagation

Ophryosporus peruvianus is a hardy perennial that is easy to propagate by division. It prefers a sunny position in well-drained soil and can tolerate some drought. It can be propagated by seed, but this is not recommended as the seedlings are slow to establish and may not flower for several years. Division is the preferred method of propagation, as it is quick and easy and will result in flowering plants in the first year.

Where to Find Ophryosporus peruvianus

Ophryosporus peruvianus is native to South America and can be found in dry, rocky areas. It is also found in parts of Central America and the Caribbean.

Ophryosporus peruvianus FAQ

What is the scientific name of Ophryosporus peruvianus?

Ophryosporus peruvianus

What are the common names of Ophryosporus peruvianus?

Peruvian Ophryosporus

What is the natural habitat of Ophryosporus peruvianus?

Dry forests and scrublands in Central and South America

Species in the Ophryosporus genus

Ophryosporus angustifolius, Ophryosporus paradoxus, Ophryosporus kuntzei, Ophryosporus burkartii, Ophryosporus densiflorus, Ophryosporus heptanthus, Ophryosporus hartwegii, Ophryosporus eleutherantherus, Ophryosporus serratifolius, Ophryosporus marchii, Ophryosporus cumingii, Ophryosporus mathewsii, Ophryosporus bipinnatifidus, Ophryosporus clavulatus, Ophryosporus peruvianus, Ophryosporus freyreysii, Ophryosporus sagasteguii, Ophryosporus macbridei, Ophryosporus galioides, Ophryosporus pubescens, Ophryosporus steinbachii, Ophryosporus anomalus, Ophryosporus venosissimus, Ophryosporus regnellii, Ophryosporus lorentzii, Ophryosporus sodiroi, Ophryosporus piquerioides, Ophryosporus floribundus, Ophryosporus ferreyrae, Ophryosporus sodiroi, Ophryosporus carchiensis, Ophryosporus johnstonii, Ophryosporus triangularis, Ophryosporus laxiflorus, Ophryosporus apricus, Ophryosporus macrodon, Ophryosporus pinifolius, Ophryosporus charua, Ophryosporus chilca, Ophryosporus ovatus, Ophryosporus ferreyrii, Ophryosporus axilliflorus, Ophryosporus hoppii, Ophryosporus organensis,

Species in the Asteraceae family

Aaronsohnia pubescens, Aaronsohnia factorovskyi, Abrotanella filiformis, Abrotanella rostrata, Abrotanella linearis, Abrotanella trilobata, Abrotanella muscosa, Abrotanella inconspicua, Abrotanella trichoachaenia, Abrotanella caespitosa, Abrotanella nivigena, Abrotanella pusilla, Abrotanella linearifolia, Abrotanella papuana, Abrotanella rosulata, Abrotanella emarginata, Abrotanella fertilis, Abrotanella spathulata, Abrotanella purpurea, Abrotanella patearoa, Abrotanella submarginata, Abrotanella diemii, Abrotanella scapigera, Abrotanella forsterioides, Acamptopappus shockleyi, Acamptopappus sphaerocephalus, Acanthocephalus benthamianus, Acanthocephalus amplexifolius, Acanthocladium dockeri, Acanthodesmos distichus, Acanthodesmos gibarensis, Acanthospermum humile, Acanthospermum consobrinum, Acanthospermum glabratum, Acanthospermum microcarpum, Acanthospermum hispidum, Acanthospermum australe, Acanthospermum lecocarpoides, Acanthostyles buniifolius, Acanthostyles saucechicoensis, Achillea buiana, Achillea conrathii, Achillea cucullata, Achillea styriaca, Achillea clavennae, Achillea cappadocica, Achillea huber-morathii, Achillea ptarmicoides, Achillea sieheana, Achillea barrelieri,


The Plant List v1.1 record gcc-142410: Based on the initial data import
Robert Merrill King (1930-2007): Based on occurrence of standard abbreviation 'R.M.King' in the authors string.
Harold E. Robinson (1932-2020): Based on occurrence of standard abbreviation 'H.Rob.' in the authors string.
Johann Friedrich Gmelin (1748-1804): Based on occurrence of standard abbreviation 'J.F.Gmel.' in the authors string.