




Citation Micro:
Kew Bull. 46(4): 702 (1991)

WFO Identifier:

Common Names

  • Dicoma elliptica
  • Elliptic Dicoma
  • Elliptical Dicoma

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  • Macledium ellipticum (G.V.Pope) S.Ortiz [unknown]


Dicoma elliptica (also called Elliptic Dicoma, among many other common names) is an annual herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae family. It has a branching stem and small yellow flowers. It is native to South Africa and is found in grasslands, meadows, and open woodlands.

Uses & Benefits

Dicoma elliptica is used as an ornamental plant in gardens and is also used as a medicinal plant to treat digestive problems.

Flower, Seeds and Seedlings

The flower of Dicoma elliptica is yellow and has a diameter of 2-3 cm. The seed is a small, dark brown achene with a white pappus. The seedlings are small and have a rosette-like shape.

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Cultivation and Propagation

Dicoma elliptica is a perennial plant that can be propagated by division or seed. It prefers full sun and moist, well-drained soil. It is tolerant of drought and can be grown in a variety of soil types. It can be propagated by division in spring or autumn.

Where to Find Dicoma elliptica

Dicoma elliptica is native to the Mediterranean region.

Dicoma elliptica FAQ

What is the scientific name of Dicoma elliptica?

Dicoma elliptica

What is the natural habitat of Dicoma elliptica?

Grassy meadows

What is the flowering season of Dicoma elliptica?


Species in the Dicoma genus

Dicoma tomentosa, Dicoma poggei, Dicoma prostrata, Dicoma swazilandica, Dicoma cuneneensis, Dicoma incana, Dicoma alemannii-mazzocchii, Dicoma squarrosa, Dicoma paivae, Dicoma auriculata, Dicoma spinosa, Dicoma scoparia, Dicoma picta, Dicoma gillettii, Dicoma plantaginifolia, Dicoma niccolifera, Dicoma nana, Dicoma schimperi, Dicoma thuliniana, Dicoma tomentosa, Dicoma anmadochrissa, Dicoma anomala, Dicoma antunesii, Dicoma elliptica, Dicoma chatanensis, Dicoma pretoriensis, Dicoma zeyheri, Dicoma nachtigalii, Dicoma obconica, Dicoma foliosa, Dicoma somalense, Dicoma oleifolia, Dicoma hindiana, Dicoma sessiliflora, Dicoma gossweileri, Dicoma galpinii, Dicoma capensis, Dicoma oblonga, Dicoma cana, Dicoma schinzii, Dicoma macrocephala, Dicoma kirkii, Dicoma humilis, Dicoma grandidieri, Dicoma elegans, Dicoma kurumanii, Dicoma montana, Dicoma bangueolensis, Dicoma speciosa, Dicoma dinteri,

Species in the Asteraceae family

Aaronsohnia pubescens, Aaronsohnia factorovskyi, Abrotanella filiformis, Abrotanella rostrata, Abrotanella linearis, Abrotanella trilobata, Abrotanella muscosa, Abrotanella inconspicua, Abrotanella trichoachaenia, Abrotanella caespitosa, Abrotanella nivigena, Abrotanella pusilla, Abrotanella linearifolia, Abrotanella papuana, Abrotanella rosulata, Abrotanella emarginata, Abrotanella fertilis, Abrotanella spathulata, Abrotanella purpurea, Abrotanella patearoa, Abrotanella submarginata, Abrotanella diemii, Abrotanella scapigera, Abrotanella forsterioides, Acamptopappus shockleyi, Acamptopappus sphaerocephalus, Acanthocephalus benthamianus, Acanthocephalus amplexifolius, Acanthocladium dockeri, Acanthodesmos distichus, Acanthodesmos gibarensis, Acanthospermum humile, Acanthospermum consobrinum, Acanthospermum glabratum, Acanthospermum microcarpum, Acanthospermum hispidum, Acanthospermum australe, Acanthospermum lecocarpoides, Acanthostyles buniifolius, Acanthostyles saucechicoensis, Achillea buiana, Achillea conrathii, Achillea cucullata, Achillea styriaca, Achillea clavennae, Achillea cappadocica, Achillea huber-morathii, Achillea ptarmicoides, Achillea sieheana, Achillea barrelieri,
