




Citation Micro:
Fl. Iranica 90: 266 (1972)

WFO Identifier:

Common Names

  • Cousinia Porphyrostephana
  • Porphyrostephana Cousinia
  • Cousinia

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Cousinia porphyrostephana (also called Purple-stalked Cousinia, among many other common names) is a perennial herbaceous plant native to the Mediterranean region. It has narrow, lanceolate leaves and small white flowers. It is found in dry grasslands, scrublands, and rocky slopes.

Uses & Benefits

Cousinia porphyrostephana is used as an ornamental plant in gardens and parks. It is also used as a medicinal plant to treat various ailments such as fever, colds, and headaches.

Flower, Seeds and Seedlings

The flower of Cousinia porphyrostephana is a small, white, star-shaped flower with five petals. The seed is a small, black, oval-shaped seed. The seedlings are small, green, and have a single, oval-shaped leaf.

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Cultivation and Propagation

Cousinia porphyrostephana is a perennial plant that is best grown in full sun and well-drained soil. Propagation is done by division in spring or by seed in autumn. Seeds should be sown in a cold frame and the seedlings transplanted when they are large enough to handle.

Where to Find Cousinia porphyrostephana

Cousinia porphyrostephana can be found in the western United States, from California to Texas.

Cousinia porphyrostephana FAQ

What is the scientific name of Cousinia porphyrostephana?

Cousinia porphyrostephana

What is the family of Cousinia porphyrostephana?


What is the habitat of Cousinia porphyrostephana?

Rocky slopes and grasslands

Species in the Cousinia genus

Cousinia peduncularis, Cousinia ortholepis, Cousinia sagittata, Cousinia stenophylla, Cousinia fetissowi, Cousinia amoena, Cousinia porphyrostephana, Cousinia griffithiana, Cousinia polycephala, Cousinia falconeri, Cousinia erivanensis, Cousinia hypoleuca, Cousinia pseudolanata, Cousinia albertoregelia, Cousinia eriobasis, Cousinia glabriseta, Cousinia kerstanii, Cousinia sakawensis, Cousinia subscaposa, Cousinia stricta, Cousinia oopoda, Cousinia bienerti, Cousinia chejrabadensis, Cousinia polytimetica, Cousinia novissima, Cousinia kuramensis, Cousinia dubia, Cousinia pulchra, Cousinia cavarae, Cousinia heterogenetos, Cousinia scariosa, Cousinia pygmaea, Cousinia mucida, Cousinia agelocephala, Cousinia pseudostenolepis, Cousinia tscherneviae, Cousinia longifolia, Cousinia cymbolepis, Cousinia linczewskii, Cousinia ecbatanensis, Cousinia pichleriana, Cousinia stahliana, Cousinia arctotidifolia, Cousinia hybrida, Cousinia omphalodes, Cousinia tedshenica, Cousinia arenaria, Cousinia alaica, Cousinia syrdarjensis, Cousinia crassipes,

Species in the Asteraceae family

Aaronsohnia pubescens, Aaronsohnia factorovskyi, Abrotanella filiformis, Abrotanella rostrata, Abrotanella linearis, Abrotanella trilobata, Abrotanella muscosa, Abrotanella inconspicua, Abrotanella trichoachaenia, Abrotanella caespitosa, Abrotanella nivigena, Abrotanella pusilla, Abrotanella linearifolia, Abrotanella papuana, Abrotanella rosulata, Abrotanella emarginata, Abrotanella fertilis, Abrotanella spathulata, Abrotanella purpurea, Abrotanella patearoa, Abrotanella submarginata, Abrotanella diemii, Abrotanella scapigera, Abrotanella forsterioides, Acamptopappus shockleyi, Acamptopappus sphaerocephalus, Acanthocephalus benthamianus, Acanthocephalus amplexifolius, Acanthocladium dockeri, Acanthodesmos distichus, Acanthodesmos gibarensis, Acanthospermum humile, Acanthospermum consobrinum, Acanthospermum glabratum, Acanthospermum microcarpum, Acanthospermum hispidum, Acanthospermum australe, Acanthospermum lecocarpoides, Acanthostyles buniifolius, Acanthostyles saucechicoensis, Achillea buiana, Achillea conrathii, Achillea cucullata, Achillea styriaca, Achillea clavennae, Achillea cappadocica, Achillea huber-morathii, Achillea ptarmicoides, Achillea sieheana, Achillea barrelieri,
